Auxiliary Copy - How Do I

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Make a Duplicate Copy of My Data

Perform Tape Rotation Using Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) Tape Rotation

Make a Duplicate Copy of my Data


Run an auxiliary copy operation.

To make a duplicate of this protected (backed up) data, you would simply need to run an auxiliary copy operation, which copies protected data from a source copy to one or more secondary copies, without requiring any involvement from the clients.

Secondary copies can be configured to use secondary storage from the Primary Copy by specifying appropriate datapaths. Secondary copy can also be promoted as Primary copy to run backup operation to these copies.

Auxiliary copy can copy all or selective set of data from source copy to secondary destination copies. Source copy need not be a primary copy, it can be any of the secondary copy.



Make a duplicate copy of data from a disk library to another disk library:

Step 1: Create a storage policy copy that points to another disk library.

Step 2: Run the auxiliary copy for the storage policy.



Make a duplicate copy of data from a disk library to a tape/optical/offline library:

Step 1: Create a storage policy copy that points to a tape library.

Step 2: Run the auxiliary copy for the storage policy.


To make a duplicate copy of data from a tape/optical/offline library to a disk library:

Step 1: Create a storage policy copy that points to a disk library.

Step 2: Run the auxiliary copy for the storage policy.


Time-Based, Subclient-Specific

Make a duplicate copy of full backup operation data from specific subclients on a weekly or monthly basis:

Step 1: Create a selective storage policy copy that indicates the type of full backups to be copied, as well as the subclients from which to copy the data.

Step 2: Schedule the auxiliary copy for the storage policy.

Perform Tape Rotation Using Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) Tape Rotation

The hierarchical data retention strategy is the most common scheme of tape rotation. This is also commonly referred to as the 'Grandfather-Father-Son (GFS) Tape Rotation'. This scheme works as follows:

This kind of tape rotation can be accomplished using one of the following methods.

Tape Rotation Using Selective Copies

A selective copy allows you to copy data selectively from a source to a target copy. This method creates separate copies of data which may be useful for off-site storage requirements.

Use the following steps to perform tape rotation using Selective Copies.

  1. Create a primary copy for daily backups with retention set to 30 days.

    How to create a Primary Copy

  2. Create a selective copy (e.g., Monthly Copy) for the monthly backups with retention set to 365 days and schedule it to run
  3. Create another selective copy (e.g., Yearly Copy) for yearly backups with infinite retention.

    How to create a Selective Copy

  4. Schedule Full Backups once every week.
  5. Schedule Incremental Backups every day.

    How to Schedule Backups

Tape Rotation Using Extended Retention Rules

Extended retention rules enables you to retain data for a much longer period of time than with Basic Retention Rules. This method carves out a graded retention from a single copy.

Use the following steps to perform tape rotation using Extended Retention Rules.

  1. Create a primary copy with retention set to 30 days. Also define the extended retention rules in the primary copy for monthly full backups to 365 days and yearly full backups as infinite.

    How to create a Primary Copy with Extended Retention Rules

The above examples can be customized to suit the requirements of your environment.

In reality, a combination of both these methods may be required. For example, only one selective copy may be created and extended retention established in this selective copy.

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