CommCell Views

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CommCell Views provides a way to query information on the CommCell components directly from the SQL database.

You can use these default views, or you can create or customize the existing views to reflect the data in your organization. The views are created by querying the database. These query are by default displayed in SQL Enterprise Manager. You can also use products such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Reporting Services and/or Microsoft Excel to format your query output.

If you modify a view or create a new view, you must reapply them after each new release.


The following view options are available in the CommCell.


The CNClientInfoView provides detailed information about each client in the CommCell.

The following image displays a sample CNClientInfoView:

Column Description
CommCell ID The identifier for the CommCell.
ID The identifier for the client.
GUID The globally unique identifier for the client.
DisplayName The name of the client.
InterfaceName The fully qualified name of the client.
OSName The name of the operating system that is installed on the client.
SWVersion The version of the software that is installed on the client.
ServicePack The service packs that are installed.
InstallTime The date and time on which the software was installed on the client.
Offline Whether the client is offline. An online machine is indicated with 0. An offline machine is indicated with 1.
OfflineTime The time at which the client went offline.
OffLineReason The reason that the client is offline.
Priority The priority of the job.
DataProtActivity Whether data protection is enabled for the client.
LogDeleted Whether the client's log has been deleted.
Modified The date and time on which the client was last modified.
Status The status of the client.
Description A user-created description of the client.
ClientType Whether the client is a secondary storage client or a primary storage client.
CCTimeZoneID The identifier for the time zone.
IsVirtualClient Whether the client is a virtual client.
IsCIEnabled Whether Content Indexing is enabled at the client level.
IsSBEnabled Whether Snap Protection is enabled at the client level.
StdTimeZoneName The standard name of the time zone that is sent on the client.
TimeZoneName The time zone that is set on the client.
TimeZoneBias The number of seconds that the client time zone is offset from the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
SpecialClientFlags An integer of bit flags for the client.
IsVSDC Whether the client is discovered by a virtual server.


The CNMMMediaInfoView provides detailed information about media in the CommCell.

The following image displays a sample CNMMMediaInfoView:

Column Description
MediaID The unique ID generated when the media was discovered.
BarCode The barcode label on the media.
MediaTypeID The identifier for the media type.
CreationTime The date and time at which the media was discovered.
NumberOfReUses The number of times that the media can be reused.
LastExportTime The last time that the media was moved to an outside storage location.
MediaLocationType Whether the media
MediaLocation The location of the media.
  • If the media is inside the library, indicates whether the media is available in a storage slot or a drive.
  • If the media is exported, indicates the outside storage location recorded by the user, when the media was exported.
retentionFlags Whether media is flagged for retention.
retentionExpireTime The date and time at which media with extended retention expires.
MediaFlags An integer of bit flags for media properties.
MediaStatusReason The reason for the current media status is set.
Attributes The attributes associated with the media.
IsAged Whether the media has been aged.
LibraryID The identifier for the library in which the media is located.
LibraryName The name of the library in which the media is located.
SpareGroupId The identifier for the spare group to which the media belongs, if applicable.
SpareGroupName The name of the spare group to which the media belongs, if applicable.
ExportLocationType The type of outside storage location to which media is exported, if applicable.
ExportLocationId The identifier for the outside storage location to which media is exported, if applicable.
ExportLocation The outside storage location recorded by the user, when the media was exported.
ContainerId The identifier of the physical container for the media.
ContainerName The name of the physical container for the media.
LastRestoreTime The last time that data was restored from the media.
LastBackupTime The last time that data was backed up to the media.
PinMediaExpireTime The expiration time for a pinned media.
TotalSpaceMB The total amount of used and free space on the media in megabytes.
TotalFreeSpaceMB The total amount of free space on the media in megabytes.
TotalCVDataSizeMB The total amount of space that is consumed by data protections.
ArchGroupID The identifier for the storage policy.
ArchGroupCopyId The identifier for the storage policy copy.
GroupType The identifier for the media group type.
MediaStatus The status of the media.
LastWriteLibraryID The identifier for the library that contains the last written data.
IsInMediaGroup Whether the media is assigned.
TotalNumberOfSoftErrors The total number of software errors reported on the media.
TotalNumberOfHardErrors The total number of hardware errors reported on the media.
Description User-created description of the media.
origCCCommCellId If the client is migrated from a CommCell that is different than the local CommCell, this is the identifier for the original CommCell, from which the client migrated.


The CommCellAdminSchedule view provides information about scheduled administrative jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellAdminSchedule view:

Column Description
scheduleid The unique schedule ID.
scheduletask The type of scheduled task (administration).
schedtype The type of schedule (e.g., disaster recovery, data aging, auxiliary copy, reports, etc.).
sp_id The unique storage policy ID.
sp The storage policy name.
sp_dest_copy_id The unique ID for the destination copy.
sp_dest_copy The destination copy.
sp_src_copy_id The unique ID for the source copy.
sp_src_copy The source copy.
streams The number of streams used.
schedpattern The scheduling pattern (One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly).
schedinterval The schedule occurrences based on the schedule pattern.
schedday The scheduled day based on the schedule pattern.
schedtime The scheduled start time.
schednexttime The next scheduled time.


The CommCellAuxCopyInfo view provides information about auxiliary copy jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellAuxCopyInfo view:

Column Description
auxcopyjobid The Job ID of the auxiliary copy job.
storagepolicy The name of the storage policy that was used to perform the auxiliary copy job.
sourcecopyid The unique ID for the source copy.
sourcecopy The storage policy copy that data was copied from during the auxiliary copy job.
destcopyid The unique ID for the destination copy.
destcopy The storage policy copy that data was written to during the auxiliary copy job.
jobinitfrom Where the operation was initiated.
jobstatus The result of the auxiliary copy job, either Success, Killed, Failed, or Failed to Start.
startdateunixsec The start date and time of the auxiliary copy job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
enddateunixsec The end time of the auxiliary copy job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
startdate The start date and time of the auxiliary coy job.
enddate The end date and time of the auxiliary copy job.
bytesxferred The amount of data (in bytes) that was written to media during the auxiliary copy job.


The CommCellBackupInfo view provides information about the backup jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellBackupInfo view:

Column Description
jobid The unique Job ID of the backup job.
appid The unique subclient ID.
jobinitfrom Where the operation was initiated.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
instance The name of the instance that conducted the backup job. If the instance option is not applicable for an iDataAgent, the information is displayed as NULL.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.
data_sp The storage policy name.
backuplevelint The backup level initialization
backuplevel The backup type that was selected. Backup types can be Full, Incremental, Differential or Synthetic Full.
incrlevel The incremental levels for Informix and Oracle backup jobs.
jobstatusint The job status initialization.
jobstatus The status of the job. Job status can be Success, Killed, Failed, or Failed to Start.
jobfailedreason The reason the backup job failed.
startdateunixsec The UNIX start date and time of the backup job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
enddateunixsec The UNIX date and end time of the backup job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
startdate The start date and time of the backup job.
enddate The end date and time of the backup job.
durationunixsec The duration of UNIX seconds
duration The length of time for the backup operation to complete.
numstreams The number of data channels used by the storage policy to perform the backup.
numbytesuncomp The amount of uncompressed data.
numbytescomp The amount of compressed data.
numobjects The number of objects that were backed up for the associated job.
isaged The IS aged
isagedstr The IS aged string


The CommCellBKScheduleInfo view provides information about the scheduled jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellBKScheduleInfo view:


Column Description
commcellid The unique CommCell ID.
commcellname The CommCell name
scheduleid The unique schedule ID.
schedulename The schedule name.
scheduletask The schedule task (backup)
schedulebackuptype The scheduled backup type (Full, Incremental, Differential, or Synthetic Full).
schedulepattern The scheduling pattern (One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly).
scheduleinterval The schedule occurrences based on the schedule pattern.
schedulebackupday The schedule day based on the schedule pattern.
schedbackuptime The scheduled start time.
schedulenextback The next scheduled time.
appid The unique subclient ID.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
instance The instance name.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.


The CommCellBkSchedule view provides information about the scheduled backup jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellBkSchedule view:

Column Description
commcellid The unique CommCell ID.
commcellname The CommCell name.
scheduleid The unique schedule ID.
schedulename The scheduled name.
scheduletask The scheduled task (backup).
schedbackuptype The scheduled backup type (Full, Incremental, Differential, or Synthetic Full).
schedpattern The scheduling pattern (One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly).
schedinterval The schedule occurrences based on the schedule pattern.
schedbackupday The schedule day based on the schedule pattern.
schedbackuptime The scheduled start time.
schednextbackuptime The next scheduled time.
appid The unique subclient ID.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
instance The instance name.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.


The CommCellBKSizeInfo view provides information about the backup size.

The following image displays a sample CommCellBKSizeInfo view:

Column Description
jobid The unique Job ID of the backup job.
appid The unique subclient ID.
client The client computer.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
instance The instance name.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.
data_sp The storage policy name.
backup_type The type of backup.
last_bkp_appsize_without_index The last backup size of data without index.
lastbkp_indexsize The size of index in last backup.
lastbkp_totbkpsize the total backup size of the last backup.
lastbkp_percentagechange The change in percentage of the last backup when compared to backup of similar type before the last backup.
iscommpresstion the IS compressed data or not.


The CommCellClientConfig view provides information about the client configuration. This view also contains SRM Server data.

The following image displays a sample CommCellClientConfig view


Column Description
clientid The unique client ID.
client The client computer name.
networkinterface The default network interface through which the client communicates and transfers data to and from MediaAgent(s).
os [version] The client computer operating system version and vendor.
hardware The processor platform that runs the client computer and vendor.
galaxyrelease The version of the software component installed on the computer
installtime The date and time on which the software was installed on the client. Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
uninstalltime The date and time on which the software was uninstalled, if applicable. Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
deletedtime The date and time on which the software was deleted, if applicable. Format: MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
clientstatus The status of the client (installed or uninstalled).
clientbkpenable The activity of the backup operations at the client level. The activity displays Yes if enabled and No if disabled.
clientrstenable The activity of the restore operations at the client level. The activity displays Yes if enabled and No if disabled.


The CommCellClientFSFilters view provides information about the filters that are configured for a client.

The following image displays a sample CommCellClientFSFilters view:

Column Description
commcellid The unique CommCell ID.
commcellname The CommCell name.
appid The unique subclient ID.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.
subclientstatus The status of the subclient.
content The subclient content.
global_exclude_filter The directories and folders to be excluded from the backup operation for the subclient.
exclude_dirs The directories to be excluded from the backup operation for the subclient.
exclude_files The files to be excluded from the backup operation for the subclient.
except_dirs_to_exclude The directories to be included in the backup operation for the subclient.
except_files_to_exclude The files to be included in the backup operation for the subclient.


The CommCellClientLevelBkpJobsSummary view provides a summary of information about backup jobs that ran at the client level over the last 30 days.

The following image displays a sample CommCellClientLevelBkpJobsSummary view:

Column Description
ClientID The unique client ID.
ClientName The client computer name.
TotalJobs Total number of jobs that ran on a client over the last 30 days.
Completed Number of jobs completed.
CompletedWithErrors Number of jobs completed with errors.
Killed Number of jobs killed
Failed Number of jobs failed
NoRun Number of jobs which failed for activity disabled or maximum instance running etc.
Dropped Number of jobs failed to start.
Other Number of jobs completed or failed or killed etc.
SchedInitiated Number of Schedule Task initiated.
TotalFullAppSizeGB Total uncompressed backup size in GB for full backup jobs.
TotalIncAppSizeGB Total uncompressed backup size in GB for incremental backup jobs.
TotalOtherAppSizeGB Total uncompressed backup size in GB for differential or synthetic backup jobs.
TotalAppSizeGB Total of all backup jobs run - full/incremental/differential/synthetic jobs.
TotalFullBkpSizeGB The total size of the full backup.
TotalIncBkpSizeGB The total size of the incremental backup.
TotalOtherBkpSizeGB The total size of the differential/synthetic backup.
TotalBkpSizeGB The total size of the backup job.
ProtectedObjects Total number of files backed up.
FailedObjects Total number of files failed to scan or backup etc.
FailedFolders Total number of folders failed to scan/backup etc.
StartTime The time of the backup job started.
EndTime The time of the backup job ended.


The CommCellClientVersion view provides information about the software version, status, and updates that are installed on the client computer.

The following image displays a sample CommCellClientVersion view:

Column Description
name The client computer name.
clientgroups The name of the client group to which the client computer belongs.
version The version of the software component installed on the computer.
additionalupdates Whether the version of the software component installed on the computer requires updates.
status The status of the software component installed on the computer (needs update, has diagnostic updates, or unknown).


The CommCellCompletedBkpJobsInfo view provides information about client level backup jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellCompletedBkpJobsInfo view:

Column Description
ClientID The unique client ID.
ClientName The client computer name.
TotalBkpJobs Number of backup jobs ran on a client computer.
TotalFullBkpJobs Number of Full backup jobs ran on a client computer.
TotalIncBkpJobs Number of Incremental backup jobs ran on a client computer.
TotalOtherBkpJobs Number of Other backup jobs ran on a client computer.
TotalBkpSizeGb The total size of the backup.
TotalFullBkpSizeGB The total size of the full backup.
TotalIncBkpSizeGB The total size of the incremental backup.
TotalOtherBkpSizeGB The total size of the other backup.


The CommCellDriveInfo view provides information about drives.

The following image displays a sample CommCellDriveInfo view:

Column Description
maname The media agent name.
libname The library name
drivename The drive name
drivealiasname The alternative name assigned to the drive.
drivebroken  The drive broken status
cleaning reqd The drive cleaning requirement
drivestatus The drive status
driveofflinereason The reason drive is offline
offlinetimestamp The drive offline time stamp.


The CommCellJobController view provides information about active jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellJobController view:

Column Description
jobid The unique ID of the job.
operation The type of operation.
clientComputer The name of the client computer.
agentType The agent that is performing the operation. (e.g. Windows 2000 File System)
subclient The subclient that was protected during the operation.
jobType The type of operation that is being conducted on data.
phase The current phase of the operation. The number of phases varies depending on the operation.
storagePolicy The storage policy to which the operation is being directed.
mediaAgent The MediaAgent to which the operation is being directed.
status The status of the operation.
progress A status bar indicating progress. The progress bad is not visible for certain operations or for initial phases of some data protection operations.
errors Displays any errors that have occurred during the operation.
delayReason The description of the reason why the operation may be pending, waiting, or failing.
description A brief description of the running job.


The CommCellJobControllerCount view provides information about active jobs. This view also contains SRM Server data.

The following image displays a sample CommCellJobControllerCount view:

Column Description
commcellid The unique ID of the CommCell.
jobtype The type of operation.
numofpending The number of jobs pending.
numofwaiting The number of jobs waiting.
numofstopped The number of jobs stopped.
numofqueued The number of jobs queued.
numofrunning The number of jobs running.


The CommCellLibraryInfo view provides information about library name and status details.

The following image displays a sample CommCellLibraryInfo view:

Column Description
libname The name of the library.
libaliasname The alternative name assigned to the library.
libstatus The status of the the library.
libbroken yes or no.
libstatusreason The status reason of library.
offlinetimestamp The offline timestamp of the library management.


The CommCellLibraryReservInfo view provides information about active jobs and their respective media and drive reservation details.

The following image displays a sample CommCellLibraryReservInfo view:

Column Description
jobId [reservId | OP] The job reserving the resource, its unique reservation ID number, and operation (e.g., backup, restore).
MA [status] The name of the associated MediaAgent and its status.
libAlias [libName | libStatus | barcodeReaderPresent] The alternative name assigned the library, the library name, its status (e.g., online) and if there is a barcode reader.
[driveName | driveStatus]
The alternative name assigned the drive in the library, the actual drive name and its status (e.g., online).
driveMountStatus [numMount| numBackup | numRestore] The number of mounts, backups, and restores for the drive.
barcode | type The barcode reader and its type.
elapsed The elapsed time of the reservation.


The CommCellLicense view provides information about the licenses consumed in the CommCell. This view also contains SRM Server data.

The following image displays a sample CommCellLicense view:

Column Description
client The name of the client computer that consumed the license.
licensename The license type.
licenseid The unique license ID used by the software.


The CommCellMAVersion view provides information about the software component version, status, and updates that are installed on each MediaAgent.

The following image displays a sample CommCellMAVersion view:

Column Description
name The media agent name.
clientgroups The name of the client group to which the MediaAgent belongs.
version The version of the software component installed on the MediaAgent.
additionalupdates Whether the version of the software component installed on the MediaAgent requires updates.
status The status of the software component installed on the MediaAgent (needs update, has diagnostic updates, or unknown).


The CommCellMediaAgentInfo view provides information media- related information for each client.

The following image displays a sample CommCellMediaAgentInfo view:

Column Description
maname The media agent name.
mastatus The media agent status.
offlinereason The reason media agent is Offline.
offlinetimestamp The time media agent was offline.


The CommCellMediaInDrives view provides a summary of the media currently available in each drive.

The following image displays a sample CommCellMediaInDrives view:

Column Description
libraryname The name of the associated library.
drivename The name of the drive associated with the media.
mediaagent The name of the associated MediaAgent.
driveoccupied Indicates the number of media occupying the associated drive.
mountstatus Indicates the number of mounts.
barcode The barcode reader.
mediaattributes The attributes associated with the media.
sparegroupname Indicates the name of the associated spare group.
storagepolicyname The name of the associated storage policy.
copyname The name of the associated copy.
retentioninfo Information on retention for the associated media.
runningjobs Information on running jobs.


The CommCellMediaInfo view provides a summary of media-related information.

The following image displays a sample CommCellMediaInfo view:

Column Description
mediaid The unique ID generated when the media was discovered.
mediabarcode The barcode label of the media.
mediagroupid The unique ID for the media group.
type The hardware type of the media.
format The recording format on the media.
sidename The unique ID generated for each side of the media.
mediaCreationTime The date and time at which the media was discovered.
volumeid The unique volume ID for the media.
volumename The volume name.
blocksizeKB The size measured in bytes of each block in the media.
totalspaceMB The total amount of space available in the media.
usedspaceMB The amount of used space in the media.
freespaceMB The amount of free space available in the media.
writenum The number of times data has been written to the media.
reusenum The number of times the media has been re-used.
mediastatus The status of the media. Media status can be Good, Expired, Bad, or Invalid.
volumestatus The current status of the volume. Volume status can be Active, Full, Idle, Read Only or Bad.
volumefullreason | volumefulljobid The reason the volume is full and job marking it as full.
location The location of the media.
  • If the media is inside the library, indicates whether the media is available in a storage slot or a drive.
  • If the media is exported, indicates the outside storage location recorded by the user, when the media was exported.
slotname The slot number in which the media resides.
drivename The drive name.
exportlocation The outside storage location of the exported media recorded by the user when the media was exported.
lastwritetimeunixsec The most recent time at which data was protected on the media. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
rawlastwritetime (not adjusted with daylight saving) The most recent time at which data was protected on the media, not adjusted for daylight savings time.
lastwritetime The most recent date and time at which data was protected on the media.
drivepoolname The drive pool name.
library The library name.
storagepolicy The storage policy name.
storagepolicycopy The storage policy copy name.
retentiondays The number of days data is kept before it is pruned.
fullcycles The number of cycles data is kept before it is pruned.
LabelErrors The number of labeling errors that a media has encountered.
ReadWriteErrors The number of read, write errors that a media has encountered.


The CommCellPrePostCmdInfo view provides information about the backup jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellPrePostCmdInfo view:

Column Description
client The client computer name.
appType The application name.
backupset The backupset name.
instance The instance name.
subclientName The subclient name.
preScanCommand The pre scan process command.
postScanCommand The post scan process command.
preBkpCommand The pre backup process command.
postBkpCommand The post backup process command.
userName The user name used to run the command.


The CommCellRestoreInfo view provides information about the restore jobs.

The following image displays a sample CommCellRestoreInfo view:

Column Description
jobID The unique job ID of the restore job.
destclientname The name of the client to which the data was recovered.
idataagent The name of the iDataAgent that conducted the restore job.
instance The instance name.
backupset The backupset name.
jobstatus The status of the job (Success, Killed, Failed, or Failed to Start).
jobfailedreason The reason the restore job failed.
starttimeunixsec The UNIX start date and time of the restore job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
endtimeunixsec The UNIX end date and time of the restore job. This time represents the number of seconds that have elapsed since 1970.
starttime The date and time at which the restore job was started.
endtime The date and time at which the restore job was completed.
duration The length of time for the restore operation to complete.
numfiles The number of files that were recovered.
numbytescomp The amount of data (in compressed bytes) that was recovered.
numbytesuncomp The amount of data (in uncompressed bytes) that was recovered.


The CommCellRetentioInfo view provides information about each Retention information.

The following image displays a sample CommCellRetention view:

Column Description
commcellid The unique ID for commcell.
commcellname The commcell name.
spname The storage policy name.
copyname The storage policy copy name.
retentiondays The number of retention days.
cycles The number of cycles.
Isdataagingenabled The Is data aging enabled on this copy.
Ismanageddiskspaceenabled The disk space Is managed disk space enabled.


The CommCellStoragePolicy view provides information about each storage policy.

The following image displays a sample CommCellStoragePolicy view:

Column Description
storagepolicy The storage policy name.
defaultcopy The name of the default storage policy copy associated with the storage policy.
hardwarecompress The hardware compression status. The status displays Yes if enabled and No if disabled.
maxstreams The maximum number of data streams established for the storage policy.
drivepool The name of the drivepool associated with the library to which the backup data from the default copy is directed.
library The library name.
appid The unique subclient ID.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
instance The name of the instance associated with the storage policy. If the instance option is not applicable for an iDataAgent, the information is displayed as NULL.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.


The CommCellSubClientConfig view provides information about subclient configuration.

The following image displays a sample CommCellSubClientConfig view:

Column Description
appid The unique subclient ID.
clientid The unique client ID.
clientname The client computer name.
idataagent The iDataAgent name.
idataagentstatus The status of the iDataAgent (installed or uninstalled).
idagentbkenable The activity of the backup operations at the iDataAgent level. The activity displays Yes if enabled and No if disabled.
idagentrstenable The activity of the restore operations at the iDataAgent level. The activity displays Yes if enabled and No if disabled.
instance The name of the instance. If the instance option is not applicable for an iDataAgent, the information is displayed as NULL.
backupset The backupset name.
subclient The subclient name.
subclientstatus The status of the subclient (Valid or Deleted).
schedjobpattern The backup scheduling pattern (One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly).
schedbackupday The backup scheduled start day.
schedbackuptime The backup scheduled start time.
schednextbackuptime The backup next scheduled time.
data_sp The storage policy name.
data_sp_copy The storage policy copy name.
data_sp_copy_retendays The number of days data is kept before it is pruned.
data_sp_copy_fullcycles The number of cycles data is kept before it is pruned.
data_sp_schedauxcopypattern The scheduling pattern for the auxiliary copy operation.
data_sp_schedauxcopyday The auxiliary copy scheduled day based on the schedule pattern.
data_sp_schedauxcopytime The scheduled start time.
data_sp_schednextauxcopytime The next scheduled time.
data_sp_scheddestcopy The secondary copy.
log_sp The storage policy associated with the database transaction logs.
LastFullBkpSize(Bytes) The size of the last full backup.
LastIncBkpSize(Bytes) The size of the last incremental backup.
LastDiffBkpSize(Bytes) The size of the last differential backup.


The CommCellUpdateInfo view provides information about the updates installed for each component in the CommCell. This view also contains SRM Server data.

The following image displays a sample CommCellUpdateInfo view:

Column Description
clientid The unique client ID.
client [idataagent] The client and components on which the updates are installed in the CommCell.
galaxyrelease The version of the software component installed on the computer.
installedSP The latest service pack and latest post service pack updates installed for each component in the CommCell.
installedAdditionalPatch[latest] After service pack installation, the current, additional update installed post service pack for each component in the CommCell.
missingPatch After service pack installation, the service pack updates for each component that are missing (uninstalled, or not selected during the service pack installation).

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