CommNet Views

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The views in CommNet provide a way to query information on the CommCell components directly from the SQL database. These views are provided in addition to the CommNet Browser Report Selection feature.

You can use these default views, or you can create or customize the existing views to reflect the data in your organization. The views are created by querying the database. These query are by default displayed in SQL Enterprise Manager. You can also use products such as Crystal Reports, Microsoft Reporting Services and/or Microsoft Excel to format your query output.

If you modify a view or create a new view, you must reapply them after each new release.


The following view options are available in the CommNet.


The CNEAppTypeView provides an overview for the Agent Count and the amount of data backed up with each Agent for last 3 months.

The following image displays a sample CNEAppTypeView view:



WinFSCount Total number of windows File System Agents installed.
SolarisFSCount Total number of Solaris File System Agents installed.
OracleDBCount Total number of Oracle Database Agents installed.
SQLDBCount Total number of SQL Database Agents installed.
ExchangeCount Total number of Exchange Agents installed.
WinFSSize Total amount of Windows File System data backed up in last 3 months.
Solaris FSSize Total amount of Solaris File System data backed up in last 3 months.
OracleDBSize Total amount of Oracle Database data backed up in last 3 months.
SQLDBSize Total amount of SQL Database data backed up in last 3 months.
ExchangeSize Total amount of Exchange data backed up in last 3 months.


The CNEBKpJobsView provides detailed information on each job.

The following image displays a sample CNEBKpJobsView view:



CommCellName CommCell name.
Pruned Yes or No.
TimeStart Start Time of backup job.
TimeEnd End Time of backup job.
UnCompBytes Application Size.
ClientID Client computer.
ClientName The client computer name.
AppTypeID The unique ID of the Application.
AppType Application name.
InstanceID The unique ID of the Instance.
InstanceName The Instance name.
BKSetID The unique ID of backupset.
BKSetName Backupset name.
SubClientID The unique ID of Subclient.
SubClientName Subclient name.
BKLevel Full, Increment ,Diff, etc.
StatusID Completed, Failed, Killed.
StatusName Completed, Failed, Killed.
OpTypeID Backup, Restore, Recover, Auxiliary copy, etc.
OpTypeName Backup, Restore, Recover, Auxiliary copy, etc.
CommCellID The unique ID of the CommCell.
JobID The unique Job ID of the backup job.
WriteTime The amount of time to write data on media.
NumOFObjects The number of backup job objects.
Data_SPID Data Storage Policy.
Data_SPNAME Data Storage Policy name.
LOG_SPID Log Storage Policy.
LOG_SPNAME Log Storage Policy name.
DIFF_SPID Differential Storage Policy.
DIFF_SPName Differential Storage Policy name.
ScanFileFailure The number of files failed to scan.
ScanFolderFailures The number of folders failed to scan.
BackupFileFailures The number of files failed to backup.
BackupFolderFailures The number of folders failed to backup.


The CNEChargeBackView provides detailed information on each job for costing purposes.

The following image displays a sample CNEChargeBackView view:



CommCellName CommCell name.
Pruned Yes or No.
TimeStart The time started for backup job.
TimeEnd The time end for backup job.
UnComBytes Backup Size.
ClientID Client computer.
ClientName The client computer name.
AppTypeID The unique ID for Application.
AppType Application name.
InstanceID Instance.
InstanceName The Instance name.
BKSetID Backup set.
BKSetName The backupset name..
SubclientID The Subclient.
SubClientName The Subclient name.
StatusID Completed, Failed, Killed.
StatusName Completed, Failed, Killed.
CommCellID The unique ID for CommCell.
JobID The unique Job ID of the backup job.
AuxCopyJobID The Auxiliary copy job ID.
AttemptNumber The job attempt number.
PhaseName The job phase.
SPID Storage Policy.
SPNAME Storage Policy name.
SPCopyID Storage Policy copy.
SPCopyName Storage Policy copy name.
UnitCost Unit Cost Per MB.


The CNEClientInfoView provides detailed information on client information.

The following image displays a sample CNEClientInfoView view:



CommCellName CommCell name.
CommCellNumber CommCell number
ClientID Client computer.
ClientName The client computer name.
Interfacename Interface name.
OSName The client operating system name.
Version The version number.
DeConfigured Weather the client is de-configured or not.
TotalbkJobs Number of total jobs.
PrunedJobs Number of pruned jobs.


The CNEJobsSummaryView provides an overview for data protection and data recovery jobs.

The following image displays a sample CNEJobsSummaryView view:



DPJobCount Number of Data Protection Jobs.
DPScessHobCount Number of Completed Data Protection Jobs.
DPFailedorKilledJobCount Number of Failed or Killed Data Protection Jobs.
DPPrimaryDataSize Total Data on the primary copy.
DRJobCount Number of Data Recovery Jobs.
DRSuccessJobCount Number of Completed Data Protection Jobs.
DRFailedorKilledJobCount Number of Failed or Killed Data Protection Jobs.


The CNESCSchedPolicyAssoc view provides detailed information on Schedule Policies the Subclient is associated with.

The following image displays a sample CNESCSchedPolicyAssoc view:



ChildID The unique ID for CommCell.
CommCellName CommCell name.
ClientID Client computer.
ClientName The client computer name.
AppTypeID The unique ID for Application.
AppType Application name.
InstanceID Instance.
InstanceName The Instance name.
BKSetID Backupset.
BKSetName The backupset name.
SubClientID The Subclient.
SubClientName The Subclient name.
SchedPolicyID The Schedule Policy ID.
SchedPolicyName The Schedule Policy name.
BackupType Full, Increment, Diff, etc.
BackupTypeStr Full, Increment, Diff, etc.
AssocLevel Client Level, Agent Level, etc.
AssocLevelStr Full, Increment, Diff, etc.
SchedulePattern One Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.
TimeZone Schedule TimeZone.


The CNESubClientContentView provides an information on data path entries to the contents of a subclient.

The following image displays a sample CNESubClientContentView view:



ChildID The unique ID for CommCell.
SubClientID The unique ID of Subclient.
Content Data path entry to the contents of a subclient.


The CNESubClientInfoView provides detailed information on subclient information.

The following image displays a sample CNESubClientInfoView view:



ChildID The unique ID for CommCell.
ChildName The unique name for CommCell.
ClientID Client computer.
ClientName The client computer name.
AppTypeID The unique ID for Application.
AppTypeName Application name.
InstanceID The unique ID of the Instance.
InstanceName The Instance name.
BackupSetID The unique ID of backupset.
BackupSetName Backupset name.
SubClientID The unique ID of Subclient.
SubClientName Subclient name.
Created Subclient created.
Modified Modified data protection activity.
NextFullBackup Time of the next Full Backup
NextIncrBackup Time of the next Increment Backup
NextDiffBackup Time of the next Differential Backup
SPName Storage Policy name.
Scheduled Provides subclient data protection schedules.
Deleted Provides subclient data protection deleted time.
Encryption Provides data encryption for a selected content.
DataProtActivity Data Protection Activity of a Subclient.


The CNESummaryView provides an overview of the entities (Client, iDataAgent and Libraries) count present.

The following image displays a sample CNESummaryView view:



NumCommCells Total number of CommCells registered
NumClients Total number of Clients
NumAgents Total number of Agents
NumSubClients Total number of SubClients
NumMediaAgents Total number of MediaAgents
NumLibraries Total number of Libraries
NumDrives Total number of Drives
NumLicenses Total number of Licenses


The CNETimeZoneDates view provides information on time zones. This is populated when the service starts for +10 and -10 years in the CommNet Database.

The following image displays a sample CNETimeZoneDates view:



ChildID The unique ID for CommCell.
CommCellName CommCell name.
Year Year.
TimeZoneName TimeZone name.
TimeZoneStdName TimeZone standard name.
DSTFlag Day Light Saving Flag is set or not.
Bias Difference with GMT ( For Eastern Time Zone (GMT-05).
STDBias Standard Bias.
STDDate Standard date.
DSTBias Day Light Saving Bias is set or not.
DSTDate Day Light Saving Date is set or not.

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