aGo to main contents page    condspec.gif (1204 bytes)Special conditions for this system

Required Air Flow

The elements which make up a DPS 9000/8xx system (including the console) absorb the air they need for cooling from beneath.

Air flows absorbed by the elements of the DPS 9000/8xx

CSM (= EPU + SCU/MMU)  4300 m3 /h
IOP 4200 m3 /h
SCC (SVP) cabinet 1008 m3 /h
SSP 325 m3 /h
URP 630 m3 /h
System console (OPS) 325 m3 /h

These values are given on a unitary basis.

The internal fans circulate the air among the elements of a DPS 9000/8xx and then expel it into the environment.


Openings should therefore be made in a number of the slabs of the raised floorThese should be placed under the central components so as to allow the necessary cooling air through.

aGo to main contents page    condspec.gif (1204 bytes)Special conditions for this system