Home Product Support Platforms GCOS7 Software Keys

Software Keys

List of available Software Keys items.


List of available Software Keys items.
Short Name Title Description Modification Date
list-sers-2012 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2012 2013/01/11 10:31:10 GMT+2
list-sers-2011 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2011 2013/01/11 10:31:10 GMT+2
list-sers-2010 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2010 2013/01/11 10:31:10 GMT+2
list-sers-2009 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2009 2013/01/11 10:31:09 GMT+2
list-sers-2008 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2008 2013/01/11 10:31:09 GMT+2
list-sers-2007 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2007 2013/01/11 10:31:09 GMT+2
list-sers-2006 Collection List GCOS 7 Sers : 2006 2013/01/11 10:31:08 GMT+2
kb Collection List of available knowlegde base articles for Bull NovaScale T810B F2 2013/01/09 15:55:35 GMT+2
I3C_free_customer Folder Espace I3C pour les clients 2013/01/04 16:04:35 GMT+2
wgfree Folder Workgroups FREE 2013/01/04 14:14:55 GMT+2
bios2.2.3-r410bf2 B-Download Bull BIOS Tool - BIOS2.2.3 NovaScale R410B F2 This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of f... 2013/01/04 12:09:02 GMT+2
pkg-coll Collection Packages original (Do not delete or rename) List of available packages. Ne pas effacer, ne pas renommer 2013/01/04 11:30:51 GMT+2
bios2.2.3-t810bf2 B-Download Bull BIOS Tool - BIOS2.2.3 NovaScale T810B F2 This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of f... 2013/01/04 11:07:29 GMT+2
bios1.11-t820f2 B-Download Bull BIOS Tool - BIOS1.11 NovaScale T820 F2 This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of f... 2013/01/04 10:52:20 GMT+2
drvf Folder Publish Drivers - NS BL275+ Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2013/01/03 16:22:10 GMT+2
drv Collection Drivers List of available drivers. 2013/01/03 16:22:12 GMT+2
g Folder Free Visibility free access 2013/01/03 16:22:12 GMT+2
lsi-sas2004 B-Download BL 275+ LSI SAS2004 Drivers for Windows & Linux 2013/01/03 16:22:12 GMT+2
lsi1064E-sas B-Download LSI1064E SAS Controller for NovaScale Blade Servers 2013/01/03 15:39:02 GMT+2
intel-chipset-utl B-Download Intel Chipset Device Software Chipset Utility for Windows - Version: 2013/01/03 13:49:13 GMT+2
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