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Software Keys

List of available Software Keys items.


List of available Software Keys items.
Short Name Title Description Modification Date
bpartf Folder Publish service parts Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/04/19 14:27:03 GMT+2
pkgf Folder Publish Packages Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/04/19 14:27:05 GMT+2
help Folder Help - NS B265+ Help 2011/04/19 02:00:00 GMT+2
rss Folder RSS 2011/04/14 09:19:25 GMT+2
bmc B-Download BMC for NS B260+ Blade System Management Processor (BMC) 34A - build id MJBT34A - rev. 1.34 2011/04/08 16:35:00 GMT+2
bmcGen2 B-Download BMC for B260/B280 - IBM B260/B280 - IBM - Blade System Management Processor (BMC) 63A - build id BCBT63A - rev. 1.23 2011/04/08 16:20:54 GMT+2
toolf Folder Publish Tools 2011/03/29 17:40:58 GMT+2
frmf Folder Publish BIOS firmware Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/03/29 17:38:20 GMT+2
fbios Collection BIOS List of available bios. 2011/03/29 16:45:06 GMT+2
fbios Collection BIOS List of available bios. 2011/03/29 16:39:53 GMT+2
sw Collection Firmware List of available firmware. 2011/03/29 16:37:19 GMT+2
fbios Collection BIOS List of available bios. 2011/03/29 16:17:20 GMT+2
sw Collection Firmware List of available firmware. 2011/03/29 16:14:34 GMT+2
fbios Collection BIOS List of available bios. 2011/03/29 16:10:12 GMT+2
tool Collection Tools List of available tools. 2011/03/29 16:02:10 GMT+2
fbios Collection BIOS List of available bios. 2011/03/29 15:52:52 GMT+2
dl Folder Downloads 2011/03/29 13:55:53 GMT+2
swf Folder Publish firmware Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/03/29 13:49:24 GMT+2
fbiosf Folder Publish BIOS Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/03/29 13:46:45 GMT+2
dl Folder Downloads 2011/03/29 13:30:57 GMT+2
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