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Software Keys

List of available Software Keys items.


List of available Software Keys items.
Short Name Title Description Modification Date
nfo Folder Site Informations - Chassis News, Events, Recently modified documents 2011/03/01 13:38:39 GMT+2
DT-ENG-FAQ Collection Blade Series - FAQ and How To Notes 2011/03/01 12:41:16 GMT+2
frm Collection BIOS firmwares List of available firmwares. 2011/02/28 19:41:43 GMT+2
phase1 Link Lien vers les documents qualité de la phase 1 Le site est situé dans INSTRANET : Cliquer sur le lien "Enregistrements SOL" 2011/02/28 12:29:58 GMT+2
solbasematerielle Link CR SOL/Base connaissance materiel 14/03/07 Dans le cadre de la synergie avec le projet de search Bull, évaluation du produit (maquettage): Google search appliance. Deadline: fin mars, ensuite la machin... 2011/02/28 12:29:50 GMT+2
craudio0703 Link CR audio SOL/DOC du 07/03/07 Réunion de coordination avec le service DOC + projet, dans le cadre de l'axe 2 SOL Phase 2 2011/02/28 12:29:50 GMT+2
crauthdroitserv1 Link CR SOL/Auth et droit au serv 02/03/07 Point sur l'état actuel et quelques perspectives sur l'évolution de l'authentification de nos clients sur SOL 2011/02/28 12:29:50 GMT+2
mce Collection Microcodes List of available packages. 2011/02/24 18:34:36 GMT+2
wn-kb Collection What's new - Knowledge Base Articles The Lastest Knowledge Base Articles - Blade Series 2011/02/24 18:05:31 GMT+2
wn-dl Collection What's new - Downloads The Lastest Downloads - Blade Series 2011/02/24 18:04:30 GMT+2
wn-doc Collection What's new - Product Notes The Lastest Product Notes - Blade Series 2011/02/24 18:03:24 GMT+2
mcef Folder Publish Microcodes Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2011/02/24 17:34:34 GMT+2
LTO5 Folder LTO5 2011/02/24 17:34:37 GMT+2
intel-dd-win B-Download Intel 5000 Series Chipsets Integrated Device Driver for Windows 2003 & Windows 2008 2011/02/24 16:53:50 GMT+2
eth-broadcom B-Download Broadcom Ethernet Controlers for B240 version v12.2.4.2 (any OS) 2011/02/24 15:56:11 GMT+2
wn Collection What's new What's new 2011/02/24 15:52:04 GMT+2
remote-rndis B-Download Remote NDIS template device for BL265 Windows 32-bit & 64-bit 2011/02/24 15:15:12 GMT+2
wn Collection What's new 2011/02/24 14:32:43 GMT+2
Log - support_material.pdf File Fichiers pour Support Procédure de récupération des "Support_material" 2011/02/23 16:14:13 GMT+2
bios B-Download B.I.O.S. for NS B240 B.I.O.S. 50A - build id N1EG50AUS - rev. 1.11 2011/02/21 13:54:48 GMT+2
Assistance request
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Bull Search