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Software Keys

List of available Software Keys items.


List of available Software Keys items.
Short Name Title Description Modification Date
escala-blade Folder Escala blades 2010/05/07 12:13:51 GMT+2
blade-series Folder Bull Blade Series 2012/11/09 17:55:55 GMT+2
wn Collection What's new 2010/05/06 16:14:30 GMT+2
mce Collection Microcodes List of available packages. 2010/05/06 11:38:48 GMT+2
toolf-cl Folder Publish Tools cl Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2010/05/05 18:15:43 GMT+2
mcef Folder Microcodes (Enginuity) Microcodes (Enginuity) for DMX/Symmetrix 2010/05/05 18:13:43 GMT+2
tsb-ms-fix-ft B-Download Microsoft fixes validated for Fault Tolerant Systems Quick fixes and Hot fixes validated for Fault Tolerant Systems - Bull NovaScale R600 series 2010/05/05 16:17:03 GMT+2
bullion Folder bullion 2010/05/04 18:26:34 GMT+2
blcpf Folder Publish life cycle 2010/05/03 10:59:24 GMT+2
blade-series Folder blade series 2010/04/28 12:22:25 GMT+2
mce Collection Microcodes List of available packages. 2010/04/27 12:56:38 GMT+2
nsb_icpm B-Download Intelligent Copper Pass-Thru Module Intelligent Copper Pass-Thru Module (ICPM) Firmware Package - rev. 2010/04/26 16:24:55 GMT+2
mce Collection Microcodes List of available packages. 2010/04/26 12:26:25 GMT+2
mcef Folder Publish Microcodes Contains sub-folders designated to publish according to access rights. 2010/04/26 11:26:22 GMT+2
eth-broadcom B-Download Broadcom Ethernet Drivers for B260/B280 2010/04/21 16:53:53 GMT+2
CFGGEN-util B-Download CFGGEN Configuration Utility for LSI Basic or Integrated RAID Controllers 2010/04/13 17:12:41 GMT+2
wn Collection what's new 2010/04/09 11:03:34 GMT+2
drv Collection Drivers List of available drivers. 2010/04/08 20:09:55 GMT+2
intel-chipset-util B-Download Intel(R) Chipset Software Installation Utility - Windows 32/64-bit - for B260/B280, B240, B260+ and BL265 2010/04/08 19:25:31 GMT+2
fda2100 Folder FDA2100 2010/04/07 19:33:01 GMT+2
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