List of available product notes
Title Description Modification Date
B-Doc Spare Parts SA Version 14 Spare Parts list for Sequana SA ver 12 2025/03/18 14:43:56 GMT+1
B-Doc Spare Parts SA Version 13 Spare Parts SA0 (SA10-SA20) and SA1 (SA11-S21) Ver:11 2025/03/10 14:39:30 GMT+1
B-Doc GBT Utility V2.1.76 GBT Utility is a command line utility for communicate with server. v2.1.76 2025/03/05 10:34:43 GMT+1
B-Doc TSB EOL/EOC/EOS BullSequana SA0-SA1 19-02-2025 TSB EOL/EOC/EOS BullSequana SA0 - SA1 19-02-2025 2025/02/20 08:17:39 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 74.03 The document 86A128FR38 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 74.03 2025/01/07 14:54:07 GMT+1
B-Doc GSM Server now OneBSM GSM Server now OneBSM, a software program with an easy to use browser-based GUI to enable global remote monitoring and management of multiple BullSequana SA ser... 2024/11/05 10:30:34 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 74.02 The document 86A128FR37 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 74.02 2024/10/09 12:54:29 GMT+2
B-Doc Technical Support Bulletin (TSB 400-23-11): Update of iCare SHA2 CLM5 Certificate This Technical Support Bulletin describes the process to update the certificate SHA2 CLM5 in iCare 2.7.10 and to extend the period of validity for 10 years. 2023/12/13 15:40:33 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 64.04 The document 86A128FR35 is the Release Note BullSequana S for TS 64.04 2023/10/05 17:35:37 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 64.03 The document 86A128FR34 is the Release Note BullSequana S for TS 64.03 2023/10/03 11:34:30 GMT+2
B-Doc GSM Doctor (V1.08) GSM Doctor is an USB tool used to run hardware test on the BullSequana SA 2023/02/03 19:03:12 GMT+1
B-Doc Bullion S Customer Release Note - TS 26.03 This document is the Release Note for Technical Status 026.03 2022/08/30 15:33:36 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 64.01 The Document 86A128FR32 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 64.01 2022/08/25 16:28:39 GMT+2
B-Doc GBT Utility V2.1.56 GBT Utility is a command line utility for communicate with server. v2.1.56 2022/07/07 13:33:17 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 54.01 The Document 86A128FR31 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 54.01 2022/05/17 09:09:45 GMT+2
B-Doc TS Overview MESCA TS Overview MESCA - Dec 2021 2022/01/14 16:43:52 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 44.03 (Update Dec 2021) The document 86A128FR29 is the Document for the Release Note for BullSequana S TS 44.03 2021/12/03 17:37:41 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 44.02 The document 86A128FR26 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 44.02 2021/09/17 16:26:14 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 44.01 The Document 86A128FR25 is the document for the Release Note for BullSequanaS TS 44.01 2021/08/26 17:16:13 GMT+2
B-Doc Bullion S offer Technical specifications & Brochure bullion S2 / bullion S4 / bullion S8 / bullion S16 2021/06/10 18:46:17 GMT+2
B-Doc PSP BullSequana SA Rev 01 Product Support Plan for BullSequana SA10-SA20-SA20G 2021/02/17 14:50:23 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequanaS TS 34.02 The Document 86A128FR19 is the Document for the Release Note for BullSequana S TS 34.02 2020/11/27 11:58:34 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequanaS TS 34.01 The Document 86A128FR18 is the Document for Release Note for BullSequana S TS 34.01 2020/10/27 17:39:05 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 024.02 This Document 86A128FR17 is the document for Release Note for BullSequana TS 024.02 2020/08/12 16:32:28 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 022.04 This Document 86A128FR16 is the document for Release Note for BullSequana TS 022.04 2020/08/06 09:36:45 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 024.01 This Document 86A128FR15 is the document for release note for BullSequana TS 024.01 2020/06/17 18:58:55 GMT+2
B-Doc Technical Support Bulletin : Memory exclusion on BullSequana S1600 The TSB_400_20_01 describes the workaround for memory modules exclusion from a slave module on a BullSequana S1600 server (booting not possible). 2020/04/27 15:29:24 GMT+2
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 022.03 This Document 86A128FR14 is the document for Release Note for BullSequana TS 022.03 2020/02/06 16:43:24 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 022.02 This document 86A128FR13 is the document for Release Note for BullSequana S TS 022.02 2019/12/24 09:25:58 GMT+1
B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 21.03 This document 86A128FR12 is the document Release Note for BullSequana TS 21.03 2019/09/17 11:57:06 GMT+2
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