============================================================================= Intel(R) Server Compute Blade SBXD62 BIOS RELEASE NOTES ============================================================================= INTEL Enterprise Platform & Services Marketing Intel Corporation 2111 N.E. 25th Avenue, Hillsboro, OR 97124 USA ============================================================================= DATE: October 18, 2006 TO: Intel(R) Server Compute Blade SBXD62 customers SUBJECT: BIOS Release Notes: SBXD62_B10A (Build ID FEEO10AUS) ============================================================================= Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel's Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products, Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, and Intel disclaims any express or implied warranty, relating to sale and/or use of Intel products including liability or warranties relating to fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, or infringement of any patent, copyright or other intellectual property right. Intel Corporation may have patents or pending patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights that relate to the presented subject matter. The furnishing of documents and other materials and information does not provide any license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any such patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights. Intel products are not intended for use in medical, life saving, or life sustaining applications. Intel may make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time, without notice. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. *Other names and brands are the property of their respective owners. Copyright (c) 2006 Intel Corporation. ============================================================================= ABOUT THIS RELEASE ============================================================================= Release :SBXD62_B10A Build ID :FEEO10AUS Version :1.01 Build Date :7 September 2006 ============================================================================= Overview ============================================================================= This release Notes file contains the latest information about installing the POST/BIOS for the SBXD62. 1. Limitations: - NA 2. Enhancements: - NA 3. Level of Recommendations and Prerequisites for the Update: - Upgrading to v1.01 is strongly recommended for all systems. - See the list of changes for information to determine whether or not you are affected by the enhancements and fixes. 4. Dependencies: - NA ============================================================================= Change History ============================================================================= Version 1.01 - 7 September 2006 - BUILDID:FEEO10AUS ---------------------------------------- Version 1.00 - 17 February 2006 - BUILDID:FEEO06BUS ---------------------------------------- - Initial release ============================================================================= IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES/Procedures ============================================================================= Follow the procedure below to update the SBXD62 BIOS: 1. SBXD62 BIOS update package is contained in the floppy diskette image file. Using a disk image utility extract the files to a floppy diskette; this will create a bootable update disk. 2. Insert the "SBXD62 BIOS Flash Disk" into drive A. 3. Start up or restart the SBXD62 Blade Server that is to be updated. 4. The system will boot off of the disk and present a window which allows you the option to flash various options. Choose "1 - Update POST/BIOS". 5. You will be asked if you would like to move the current POST/BIOS image to the backup ROM location. If you select 'Y', the current code will be flashed in to the backup bank immediately. 6. If the current system POST/BIOS supports the Asset Tag feature, you will be asked if you would like to change it. If you select 'Y', you will be able to enter a new number. 7. You will then be asked if you would like to save the current code to a disk. If you select 'Y', you need to have a formatted disk already available, or specify a fully qualified path and file name. 8. At this point, the image will be loaded from the disk, and you will be asked to choose which language you wish to use during POST and in Setup. If you select a choice other than English, the selected language will be merged into the image. There is also an option to Quit the flash update on this menu. 9. After this completes the system will update the flash ROM with the new code. When this is complete you will be prompted to remove the disk and hit return to reboot the system. ============================================================================= BIOS RECOVERY NOTES ============================================================================= Refer to the Intel(R) Server Compute Blade SBXD62 Installation and User's Guide for information on BIOS recovery procedures. ============================================================================= KNOWN ISSUES/WORKAROUNDS ============================================================================= Refer to the "Intel(R) Sever Compute Blade SBXD62, Product Specification" and/or "SB-HE Bi-Weekly Technical Update" for detailed information on known issues and workarounds ============================================================================= Unattended Mode ============================================================================= Steps for unattended mode. 1. Modify CONFIG.SYS on the Flash Diskette to read: "SHELL=FLASH2.EXE /u /r" Or use FLASH2.EXE /u /r from your script. /u is for unattended mode /r is to specify reboot after flash is done ** reboot is recommended after flash. 2. Reboot the system with the Flash Diskette in Drive A: ** Note: An optional parameter of "/a:" can be added to allow for storing a system asset tag number where "" is replaced with up to a 32 digit string. ============================================================================= Support Web Site ============================================================================= http://www.intel.com ============================================================================= REFERENCE MATERIAL ============================================================================= Intel(R) Server Compute Blade SBXD62 Installation and User's Guide Intel(R) Server Compute Blade SBXD62 Hardware Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide These guides may be found on the support resource CDs, the Intel Business Link support site, or may be obtained from your Intel support representative. [END OF RELEASE NOTES]