Product Notes

List of available product notes


List of available product notes
Short Name Effective Date Title Description
tsb_sa 2025/02/19 19:07:43 GMT+1 B-Doc TSB EOL/EOC/EOS BullSequana SA0-SA1 19-02-2025 TSB EOL/EOC/EOS BullSequana SA0 - SA1 19-02-2025
spare-parts-sa-v12 2020/12/31 00:00:00 GMT+1 B-Doc Spare Parts SA v12 Spare Parts list for Sequana SA ver 12
RN-TS7403 2025/01/07 14:54:07 GMT+1 B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 74.03 The document 86A128FR38 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 74.03
gsm-server now OneBSM 2020/12/31 00:00:00 GMT+1 B-Doc GSM Server now OneBSM GSM Server now OneBSM, a software program with an easy to use browser-based GUI to enable global remote monitoring and management of multiple BullSequana SA ser...
RealNoteT74.02 2024/10/09 12:54:29 GMT+2 B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 74.02 The document 86A128FR37 is the Release Note for BullSequana S for the TS 74.02
spare-parts-sa0-sa10-sa20-and-sa1-sa11-s21-ver-11 2020/12/31 00:00:00 GMT+2 B-Doc Spare Parts SA0 (SA10-SA20) and SA1 (SA11-S21) Ver:11 Spare Parts SA0 (SA10-SA20) and SA1 (SA11-S21) Ver:11
TSB4002311 2023/12/13 15:40:33 GMT+1 B-Doc Technical Support Bulletin (TSB 400-23-11): Update of iCare SHA2 CLM5 Certificate This Technical Support Bulletin describes the process to update the certificate SHA2 CLM5 in iCare 2.7.10 and to extend the period of validity for 10 years.
rnts6404 2023/10/05 17:35:37 GMT+2 B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 64.04 The document 86A128FR35 is the Release Note BullSequana S for TS 64.04
release-note-for-bullsequana-s-ts-64.03 2020/12/31 00:00:00 GMT+2 B-Doc Release Note for BullSequana S TS 64.03 The document 86A128FR34 is the Release Note BullSequana S for TS 64.03
gsm-doctor-v1-08 2023/02/03 19:03:12 GMT+1 B-Doc GSM Doctor (V1.08) GSM Doctor is an USB tool used to run hardware test on the BullSequana SA
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