Install Data Classification - Unix

Click on a link below to go to a specific section of the software installation:

Install Requirements

As a standalone module, Data Classification can be installed on the computer independently or along with other eligible agents. Data Classification does not require a Unix File System iDataAgent. In a clustered environment, Data Classification is installed on the physical node.

The Data Classification – Unix install can be used to enable the Data Classification Enabler for the following agents:

  • File Archiver for Unix Agents
  • Unix File System iDataAgents

You can install the software in monitor mode. This means that you can choose to monitor only the Data Classification volumes that you specify. In such a case, any new volumes that are included in the Data Classification database will not be recognized by the system. On the other hand, if you choose to monitor all the affected volumes, all the new volumes will be recognized. See Administer Volumes for the appropriate steps.

Verify that the computer in which you wish to install the software satisfies the requirements specified in System Requirements - Data Classification.

The following procedure describes the steps involved in installing Data Classification. If you choose to install multiple components simultaneously, refer to the appropriate procedures for installation requirements and steps specific to the component. Note that when you install multiple components, the sequence of the install steps may vary.

Review the following Install Requirements before installing the software:


  • Verify that the software installation disc is appropriate to the operating system of the computer on which the software is being installed.
    Make sure that you have the latest software installation disc before you start to install the software. If you are not sure, contact your software provider.

Agent Specific

  • Do not install the software on a destination volume that is being used for replication by ContinuousDataReplicator.
  • Before you install the software, consider which volumes you want Data Classification to monitor and not monitor. In most cases, you will want Data Classification to monitor only selective volumes (monitor mode). You can specify these volumes during the install procedure; alternatively, you can specify these volumes post-install by using the DcClient -start command (see DC Client Command Line Tool for Unix for more information).
  • It is recommended that you create a volume (e.g., /home/DCTemp) to hold a record of Data Classification changes and also to hold Data Classification databases. This volume should never be monitored by Data Classification. For example, during the install, create /home/DCTemp/cache to hold the record of changes. Post-install, use the DcClient -relocate command to create /home/DCTemp/DcDbs to hold the Data Classification databases (see DC Client Command Line Tool for Unix for more information).

Install Checklist

Collect the following information before installing the software. Use the space provided to record the information, and retain this information in your Disaster Recovery binder.
1. Install directory location:________________________________________________________________

The default is /opt, but you may designate any location you want.

See Base Software Installation for more information.

2. Log files directory location:________________________________________________________________

The default is /var/log, but you may designate any location you want.

See Base Software Installation for more information.

3. Data Classification directory location: ________________________________________________________

See Administer Data Classification Directory for more information.

4. Data Classification volumes to monitor: ______________________________________________________

See Administer Volumes for more information.

5. Data Classification volumes to filter: ________________________________________________________

See Administer Volume Filters for more information.

Before You Begin

  • Log on to the client as root.
  • The install package requires super-user permissions to execute.

Install Procedure

Getting Started

1. Place the software installation disc for the Unix platform into the disc drive.
You can also install the product using a disc drive mounted on another computer on the network.
  • On Solaris, double-click the cvpkgpush program from the File Manager window.
  • On other Unix platforms, open the Terminal window, navigate to the installation disc and then enter cvpkgpush.


  • If you are installing on Solaris 2.6, an Action Run window is displayed.
    Click OK to close the window and continue the install process.
2. The product banner and other information is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.

3. Read the license agreement. Type y and press Enter to continue.  

Select Components for Installation

4. Enter the number corresponding to the CVGxDC module.


  • Your screen may look different from the example shown.
  • Components that either have already been installed, or which cannot be installed, will not be shown.
  • In addition, the list of modules that appear depends on the specific Unix File System in which the package is installed. (e.g., CVGxWA will appear only when the installation package is run on a Solaris computer.)

Press Enter to continue.

Install Calypso on physical machine

Select the Calypso module that you would like to install

1) Media Agent             <= CVGxMA
2) FileSystem iDataAgent   <= CVGxIDA
3) Exit this menu

Module number: [1]

Base Software Installation

5. Press Enter to install the file system driver and the Calypso Base0 module. Here is a list and status of the dependent modules:

1) File System Filter Driver           NOT INSTALLED
2) Calypso Base0 Module NOT INSTALLED

If there are any modules listed as not installed/upgraded, they will be installed/upgraded first.

Press <ENTER> to proceed ...

6. Specify the location where you want to install the software.


  • The amount of free space required depends on the components selected for install, and may look different from the example shown.

Press Enter to accept the default path and continue, or
Enter a path and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to confirm the path.

Please specify where you want us to install Calypso binaries.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 176MB of free space available. All files will be installed in a "calypso" subdirectory, so if you enter "/opt", the files will actually be placed into "/opt/calypso".

Installation Directory: [/opt]


Calypso will be installed in /opt/calypso.
Press ENTER to continue ...

7. Specify the location for the log files.


  • All the modules installed on the computer will store the log files in this directory.
  • The amount of free space required depends on the components selected for install, and may look different from the example shown.

Press Enter to accept the default path and continue, or
Enter a path and then press Enter to continue.

Press Enter again to confirm the path.

Please specify where you want to keep Calypso log files.

It must be a local directory and there should be at least 100MB of free space available. All log files will be created in a "calypso/Log_Files" subdirectory, so if you enter "/var/log", the logs will actually be placed into "/var/log/calypso/Log_Files".

Log Directory: [/var/log]


Calypso log files will be created in /var/log/calypso/Log_Files.
Press ENTER to continue ...

Administer Data Classification Directory

8. Specify the location of the Data Classification directory and then press Enter. Calypso DC needs a dedicated directory where it will maintain the cache of file system changes. The amount of free space in that directory should be at least 512MB (you will be able to customize it later.)

DC Cache Directory:  /dcache

Administer Volumes

9. To monitor only specific volumes from the Data Classification database now, accept yes in response to the question, press Enter, and go to the next step. Otherwise, type no, press Enter, and go to Administer Volume Filters. By default DC would monitor all volumes except system volumes (/, /opt, /usr, /tmp ...) and filtered volumes.  You can alter this behavior by choosing to monitor only specific volumes.

Do you want to monitor only specific volumes? [yes]

10. To specify the volumes you want to monitor now, type yes and press Enter. Then type the appropriate volume paths at the prompt. Use a space to separate each entry. To specify the volumes after the install, accept the no default and press Enter. You can give list of volumes to monitor now or you can specify those volumes later after install.

Do you want to specify the volumes now? [no]

DC Volumes to monitor:

11. To delay creating Data Classification databases instead of creating the databases immediately, specify the time in minutes after which the databases should be created and then press Enter. Otherwise, just press Enter. Calypso DC can start creating the DBs immediately after install, or you can specify a time to delay the creating.

Creating DB delayed in minutes: [0]

Administer Volume Filters

12. To specify the volumes you want to filter out now, type yes and press Enter. Then type the appropriate volume paths at the prompt. Use a space to separate each entry. To specify the volumes to be filtered out after the install, accept the no default and press Enter.


  • System volumes are automatically filtered out.
  • It is highly recommended that you filter out the volume where the Data Classification cache directory resides to prevent errors and to keep volume monitoring from stopping.
You can filter out certain volumes now or you can add those filters later after install.

Do you want to specify the filters now?: [no]

DC Volumes to filter out:

13. To delay creating Data Classification databases instead of creating the databases immediately, specify the time in minutes after which the databases should be created and then press Enter. Otherwise, just press Enter. Calypso DC can start creating the DBs immediately after install, or you can specify a time to delay the creating.

Creating DB delayed in minutes: [0]

Setup Complete

14. The install program now starts copying the software to the computer. The progress of the operation is displayed.

Press Enter to continue.


Successfully copied xx files


Successfully installed <package_name>.

Press ENTER to continue ...

15. This menu may be displayed only when you are installing on AIX, Linux, or Solaris computers. If this is the last package that you wish to install/upgrade, enter the number corresponding to the Return option and then press Enter to continue.


  • Only modules that are not installed/upgraded appear in the list.
  • Your screen may appear different from the example shown.
  • If you are installing on AIX, FreeBSD, IRIX or Tru64 computers, if this module was the last possible module to install, you are automatically exited from the program. Otherwise, type the number for the Exit option and then press Enter. The installation is completed.
Select the Calypso module that you would like to install.

1) Proxy FileSystem iDataAgent <= CVGxProxyIDA
2) Oracle iDataAgent           <= CVGxOrIDA
3) DB2 iDataAgent              <= CVGxDB2
4) Return

Module number: [1]

16. Enter Yes to download and install the latest service packs and post packs from the software provider.


  • Internet connectivity is required to download updates.
  • This step is applicable for multi instancing.

Press Enter to continue.

Download and Install Latest Service Pack

If you choose to download the latest service pack from the software provider website now, please make sure you have internet connectivity at this time. This process may take some time depending on the internet connectivity.

Do you want to download the latest service pack now ? [no]

Press <ENTER> to continue ...

17. This prompt is displayed only when you are installing on HP-UX, Linux, or Solaris computers. Enter the number corresponding to the Exit option and then press Enter to continue.

The installation is now complete.

Certain Calypso packages can be associated with a virtual IP, or in other words, installed on a "virtual machine" belonging to some cluster. At any given time the virtual machine's services and IP address are active on only one of the cluster's servers. The virtual machine can "fail-over" from one server to another, which includes stopping services and deactivating IP address on the first server and activating the IP address/services on the other server.

Currently you have Calypso installed on physical node

Now you have a choice of either adding another package to the existing installation or configure Calypso on a virtual machine for use in a cluster.

1) Add another package to
2) Install Calypso on a virtual machine
3) Exit

Your choice: [1]

Post-Install Considerations

Agent Specific

  • The following configuration tasks are required before performing an Archive Operation using the Data Classification Enabler:
    • Create a storage policy (see Storage Policies for more information).
    • Verify that the DataArchiver Agent is already installed in order to see the DataClassSet.
    • Ensure that the DataClassSet is viewable in the CommCell Browser.
    • Create a subclient. See Subclients: DataClassSet Subclients for more information.
  • To specify volumes to be monitored, run the DcClient -start command (see DC Client Command Line Tool for Unix for more information).
  • To create a folder to hold the Data Classification databases, run the DcClient -relocate command (see DC Client Command Line Tool for Unix for more information).

Cluster Specific

Once you install the software on all the physical computers, do the following to ensure that failovers will work correctly:

  1. Create the DcFailOverVolumes file under the /tmp directory.
  2. Add a shared volume mount point to the DcFailOverVolumes file.