Configure Stub Icons for Lotus Notes Mailboxes

After installing the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent, the Lotus Notes Mailbox master template should be configured to display a stub icon for each message archived. When this configuration is performed, the Lotus Notes client mailbox will automatically display archived messages with a stub icon. Users can then recall the archived message by opening the message in the Lotus Notes client mailbox.

The following procedure describes the steps involved in configuring the Lotus Notes Mailbox master template to display stub icons. While individual mailboxes can be configured directly, this procedure focuses on the steps involved in configuring a global master template on the Domino Server, which can then be "pushed" to many or all mailboxes.

This procedure consists of three main components:

Before You Begin

To add a new column to the existing master template:

  1. Using the Lotus Domino Designer application, determine which database contains the master template currently used for client mailboxes.
  2. Open the database that inherits the master template.
  3. Expand the Folders branch of the Recent Databases tree.
  4. From the Folders branch, select the mailbox folder for which you wish to configure the template.

    The current template for the selected mailbox folder will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.

  5. Right-click on any of the column headings located at the top of the mailbox folder's template and select Insert New Column.

    The new column's Properties dialog box is displayed.

  6. In the Properties dialog box, select the Display Values as icons option and enter the desired name, label, size, etc., for the new column.

    Note that the column may be difficult to locate within the template if a label is not assigned to it.

    Click OK when all desired configurations are complete.

    In the new Column properties - Select the option "Display Values as icons"

  7. Select the new column in the mailbox folder's template.
  8. Select the Formula option located in the Column Value frame at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
  9. Enter the following text in the space provided under the Formula option:


  10. Select Save from the database's File menu to save your changes.

The new column is now configured for the selected mailbox folder.


To assign the stub icon image to the newly created column:

  1. Expand the Shared Resources branch of the Recent Databases tree.
  2. Click Images, and then click New Image Resource.

    All available image resources are displayed.

  3. Click Open (File) and select the image file you wish to use as the standard stub icon. You can choose the CVLNDMStubIcon.gif image file created specifically for the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent, or another available image file if desired.

    Note that if you wish to use the CVLNDMStubIcon.gif stub icon image provided by the software, you can obtain the image from the software installation disc in the following location:


  4. Enter the following alias name:


  5. Select Save from the database's File menu to save your changes.

The selected image is now configured as the default stub icon.


To publish the revised master template to all mailboxes:

  1. Using the Domino Server Console, enter the following text:

    Load design -d <mail_directory>

  2. Press Enter.

The master template is now published to all Lotus Notes mailbox clients on the Domino Server.

Post-Configure Considerations

The following considerations should be noted when configuring stub icons for Lotus Notes Mailboxes: