Advanced Search

Use this tab to specify advanced search criteria for the find operation.


Lists the field that you want to search. To change the field, select one from the list.


Lists the search conditions. To change the condition, select one from the list.


Use this space to enter the string that you want to search.

Add to list

Click to add a search entry to the list.


Click to remove a selected search entry from the list.

Toggle Any of/All of

Click to expand or narrow the scope of the find operation.

Clear List

Click to remove all of the values entered for Keywords, Exact Phrases, and Exclusions from the list.

Display Pane

Displays the results of the search by mailbox Folder, To, From, Subject, Received Time, Matched String, and Size (in KBytes).

Find Now

Starts the find operation.


Stops the find operation.