Agent Properties (General)

Use the Agent Properties (General) tab to obtain or provide general and/or user account information for the agent. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Client (Computer, Name)

Displays the name of the client computer or application server.

Billing Department

Displays the name of the billing department, when the Agent is associated with a billing department. For more information on Billing and Costing See the CommNet Books Online.

iDataAgent/Agent (Type)

Displays the identity of the agent that is installed on the client computer or application server.

Installed (date)

Displays the date on which the agent was installed or upgraded on the client computer or application server.

Auto Discover New SQL Instances

If selected during installation, this option will also be selected at the Agent level after the install is complete. When selected, instances are automatically discovered every 24 hours or whenever the Communications Service (GxCVD) service is restarted. The default 24 hour timing can be overridden with the nAutoDiscoverSQLInstanceTimeout registry key.

For Express installations, an option does not appear during installation but instances are automatically discovered. By default, this option is automatically selected at the Agent level.

Stub Recovery Parameters

Specifies whether to enable recall throttling for stub recovery jobs. Selecting this option will allow you to control the number of stub recovery jobs that can be run based on the limits set below. When these options are disabled in the CommCell Console, the system will apply any legacy registry key settings corresponding to these options, where applicable.

It is recommended not to recall more stubs than the limit specified  under the Maximum Stub Recovery for Celerra Proxy as it does not detect failure and the data is lost.

Erase Archive Data when Stub is Deleted

In the text box, specify the path where deleted stubs will be monitored for deletion when an Erase Data job is run. This could be the entire machine (indicated by a \), a particular drive (C:\), a particular folder (C:\deleted_data), or a UNC path (\\filer\directory).  Multiple locations could also be specified, separated by the ; delimiter.

  • The path that is configured here will be applicable for all instances of the File Archiver for Windows Agent.
  • For Local File System instances, a folder can be created to contain the stubs to be hard-deleted (SHIFT_DELETE). This folder would then be part of the path that is specified (e.g., (C:\deleted_data). This would alleviate specifying entire volumes. From the volumes, you can then move the stubs (cut+paste) to the specified deletion folder. To move stubs across volumes, you must use the StubCopy tool in the Resource Pack.
  • For Celerra and FPolicy instances, a folder cannot be created to contain the stubs to be deleted. You can instead restrict the deletion to certain folders by specifying a subclient path or a path that is a parent to the subclient path.
  • The path that is configured here is only used when an Erase Data job is run.
  • If you delete stubs within the path that is specified and the subclient that includes the path is deleted, the data will not be erased.
  • For FPolicy instances, the user must either specify "\" or a specific deletion folder path. If the intended deletion folder path is \\<filer_name>\<volume_name>\<folder_name>, the deletion folder specification needs to be:
    \\<fully_qualified_filer_name>\ONTAP_ADMIN$\vol\<volume_name>\<folder_name>;\\<short_filer_ name>\ONTAP_ADMIN$\vol\<volume_name>\<folder_name>. Otherwise, the data will not be erased.
  • For local data archived by a Local File System instance, the stubs must be permanently deleted with a hard-delete (SHIFT+DELETE). Stubs that are removed with a soft-delete (DELETE or right-click and DELETE) will not be erased.

NDS Tree Name

Displays the name of the NDS tree that this agent can access.

NDMP Properties

Click to access the NDMP Server Properties screen.

NDMP Restore Enabled

Specifies whether the NDMP Restore Enabler was installed with the iDataAgent.

QSnap Maximum Cache Size (in MB)

Specifies the maximum cache size for QSnap. See Books Online for more information on QSnap, before changing the maximum cache size.

QSnap Minimum Cache Size (in MB)

Specifies the minimum cache size for QSnap. See the Books Online for more information on QSnap, before changing the minimum cache size.

User Account

Displays the user account used by the system to log in to or access the (the tree of the) server during various jobs (including backups, browses, restores, etc.). For NAS NDMP, displays the NDMP account used by the system to connect to the NAS data server.

Administrative Group Account

Displays the SharePoint Administrator Account that has required rights to create and modify SharePoint databases. This account will be used for data protection and recovery operations.

SSO Account

Displays the SSO Administrator account for the single sign-on service on this SharePoint Server.

Change Account

Click to specify a different account as the User Account.

SharePoint Server Name

Displays the name of the SharePoint Server that is installed on the client computer. You can use this space to modify this server name if the name displayed is incorrect (e.g., not the same as the Client name or Host name).

Index Backup/Restore path

The UNC path for a shared network folder to temporarily store the site index during backup and restore. There should be enough space available on the share for the index to be temporarily stored.

For a SharePoint All-in-One Server, the Index path must be local, not a UNC path.

If topology manager is locked during backup/restore, force its release

Specifies whether the system should release the lock for the topology manager and therefore allow jobs to complete without interruption.  This option is selected by default for new installations.

SQL Databases hosted on a remote SQL Server

Specifies whether the SharePoint Server is part of a SharePoint Server Farm and whether the SQL Databases are hosted on a remote SQL Server.  If selected, the SQL Databases must be backed up using the SQL Server iDataAgent.

Authenticate Active Directory Domain Controller

Specifies whether to use or change the user account to authenticate against the Active Directory domain controller to look up group membership for the specified user (per the following fields)

Domain Name

Use this space to enter the domain name for this user.

User Name

Use this space to enter the name of the user for the account discussed for the preceding field.


Use this space to enter the password for this user.

Confirm Password

Retype the password.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

Enable Offline Mining

Select this option to enable browse and restore of offline data.

Enable Office Communication Server Backup

Select this option to enable OCS backup feature for a client with Windows File System  iDataAgent. This feature  provides the ability to perform data protection operations for data associated with the Office Communications Server.

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