E-Mail and IIS Configuration (E-Mail Server)

Use this dialog box to define a SMTP mail server and sender's address.

Mail Server

Specifies the name of the mail server that will be used to send alerts, scheduled reports, and log files. Use the space to define name of the mail server.

Mail Server Port

Specifies the port number that will be used to connect to the mail server. If necessary, use the space to modify the port number.

Mail Server Size Limit (MB)

Specifies the e-mail size limit for the configured mail server. The default is set to 0.0 MB, which signifies that there is no mail server size limit set.

Note that log file bundles exceeding the designated maximum size will be sent using multiple emails. For example, if the maximum size is set to 1 MB and the log files size is 8 MB, the log files will be divided and sent using eight separate emails.

Senders Address

Specifies the sender's e-mail address that will be displayed in the mail generated from the software. Use the space to add the senders e-mail address.