Instance Properties (Accounts)

Use this tab to indicate the account the system uses to access the instance. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Local Administrator with Sybase sysadmin role

For Sybase, displays the name of the Unix user that has Local Administrator rights to administer the Sybase application. This is the account used by the user to log in to and use the application to run jobs.  Use this space to change this name.

Account Password

Use this space to change the password for the account discussed in either the previous field or the User Name field.

Confirm Password

Retype the Account Password to confirm it.

Override Higher Levels Settings

For SQL Server, select to override the account settings configured at the Control Panel, Client Group, and Agent level for the selected instance.

SA User Name

For Sybase and MySQL, displays the name of the database administrator who has permissions to perform jobs.  Use this space to change this name.

SA Account Password

Use this space to change the password for the account discussed in the previous field.

SA Confirm Password

Retype the SA Account Password to confirm it.

Use Local System Account

For SQL Server, the Windows account configured to run the Communications Service (GxCVD) service and which is used by the system to perform all operations, including backup, restore and browse.  By default, this is the Local System Account. 

Impersonate User

For SQL Server, select to enter a user name and password for the Windows User Account that has permission to perform all operations, including backup, restore and browse. The account must already be set up on the client and must have Local administrator privileges and be a member of the SQL sysadmin fixed server role for the instance.

User Name

For SQL Server or Sybase, use this space to type the name of the Windows user account that will have permission to execute the desired commands.


For SQL Server, use this space to type the corresponding password for the account.