Instance Properties (Storage Device)

Use the Instance Properties (Storage Device) tab, the Create DPF Client (Storage Device) tab, or the Create RAC Client (Storage Device) tab to view or change the storage policy used to back up data via the command line for the selected instance, select a storage policy for backing up logs on the selected instance, or view or select a default storage policy for the selected instance.

Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent for which the information is being displayed.

Data Backup

Command Line Backup

Log Backup

Data Transfer Option


Use this tab to establish the options for deduplication on the subclient:


Indicates whether deduplication for the subclient is enabled or disabled, and if enabled whether the signature generation (a component of deduplication) is performed on the client or MediaAgent computer.

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