History Filter

Use this dialog box to establish filtering options to view the job history associated with the following operations: Data Management Operations which include backup, archive, Quick Recovery agent volume creation, or recovery point creation, SRM Data Collection and Analysis: data recovery operations, which include restore, recover, Quick Recovery agent volume recovery, retrieve operations or stub recalls, and content indexing operations.

Data Management and Resource Management Operations

This option is available when the history is viewed for data management and resource management operations from the CommCell, Client or Client Computer Group level.

Specifies that the history window should display those jobs that correspond to the specified data management operations. The following options are available:

Data Recovery Operations

This option is available when the history is viewed for data recovery operations from the CommCell, Client or Client Computer Group level.

Specifies that the history window should display only those jobs that correspond to the specified data recovery operations. The following options are available:

Backup Type/Content Index Type

This option is available when the history is viewed for agents that support the backup or online content indexing operation.

Specifies that the history window should display only those backup/content index jobs that correspond to the specified type. Depending on the backup types supported by the Agent, some or all of the following options are available:

Quick Recovery Agent Volume Creation Type

This option is available when the history is viewed for Quick Recovery Agent Volume Creation.

Specifies that the history window should display only those Quick Recovery agent volume creation jobs that correspond to the specified type. The following options are available:

Destination client computer

This option is available when the history is viewed for restore/recover/retrieve operations.

Specifies that only jobs that were restored/recovered/retrieved to the specified client computer should be included in the history window. To change the destination client computer, click one from the list.

Content Indexing Operation

SRM Data Collection & Analysis

This option is available when the history is viewed for SRM Data Collection & Analysis operations.

Specifies that the history window should display only SRM Data Collection and Analysis jobs that correspond to the specified client or client group.

Specify Time Range

Specifies that the jobs that have occurred within a specified time zone and time threshold should be displayed. The following options are available:

Job Status

Specifies that the backups with the selected Job Status should be included in the history window. The following options are available:


Click to select additional filtering options.


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