Job Details (Progress)

Use this dialog box to view the progress of the operation. Note that all the fields described in this help may not be available and only those fields displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the operation for which the information is being displayed.

Current Phase

Identifies the current phase of the operation.


Displays the status for that phase of the operation.

Attempt Start Time

The date and time on the CommServe when the attempt of the phase started.

Elapsed Time

The duration of time consumed by this phase. (hh:mm:ss).

Total Files to Download

The number of files that will be downloaded during the update process.

Files Downloaded

The number of files downloaded.

Size of Files Downloaded

The total size of the downloaded files.

Percent Complete

The percentage of the update process completed.

Client Status

Displays the clients' update status. This field can be filtered or sorted by update status.

Reason for job delay

Includes a detailed description of the reason why the operation may be pending, waiting or failing. Reasons may include resource contention, cache corruption, media issues, application specific errors, or operation control issues. If cache corruption is found, information pertaining to the missing update or service pack will be provided.

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