Send Log Files (Machine Information)

Use this dialog box to select system configuration and performance logs to be included with the log files, if any.


Select this option if you wish to include logs for jobs.


Select this option if you wish to include the update information.

Machine Configuration

Select this option if you wish to include the following hardware and performance information:

OS Logs

Select this option if you wish to include file system and application event information.

Crash Dump

Select this option if you wish to include system failure dump (e.g. the Dr. Watsons file for Windows, core files for Unix, abend log for NetWare, etc.).

Run Commands

Select this option if you wish to include output of run commands. You can add or modify the GXCommands table to customize command outputs.

The following default command outputs are available (note that these commands may not be available for all operating systems. Refer to the GXCommands table for a complete list of available commands):