Report Selection (General)

Event Report

Use this dialog box to select the filter criteria for the events to be included in the Event Report.

The individual filter criteria are listed and explained below.

Job ID

Allows you to generate a report that includes events from all jobs or from a specific job. 


Includes events from all jobs in the report.

Job ID   

Includes events from the job with the specified job ID only in the report.

Group By

Allows you to group by Event ID or Job ID.

Include Event Details

Includes detailed event descriptions in the report. 

Severity Levels

Select the severity levels for the events you want to include in the report.

Information info.gif (931 bytes)  

Indicates a normal, expected event.

Minor minor.gif (894 bytes)  

Indicates an abnormal or unexpected event that does not affect running processes.

Major major.gif (897 bytes)  

Indicates a major error affecting a single CommServe, MediaAgent, client, or application.

Critical critical.gif (891 bytes)  

Indicates critical system conditions affecting the CommServe, MediaAgents, clients, or agents.