Restore Options (General)

Use this dialog box to control how the specified data is to be restored.

Restore as

Select this option to restore the selected content as a physical volume.

Select this option to restore the selected content as an entire virtual machine file.

Select this option to restore the selected content as a virtual hard disk file.

Destination Client/Computer/Server

Displays the name of the client computer to which the selected data will be restored. To change the destination computer, select one from the list. The list includes clients:

By default, data is restored to the same computer from which it was backed up.

Restore Paths and Destinations

Lists the volume to be restored and the destination volume. If no destination volume is specified, the system attempts to restore to a volume with the same name as the one being restored. If no volume with this name exists on the destination computer, the restore will fail.

note.gif (292 bytes) WARNING

For Volume Level Restores, the volume's file system is overwritten with the restored file system. Consequently, any data that was on the volume before the restore operation is lost.

Destination Volume

Specifies the volume to which the data will be restored. The destination volume must meet all of the criteria for volumes that are backed up by the Image Level and Image Level ProxyHost iDataAgents. For these criteria, see Image Level Subclient Content. The target volume must be at least as large as the volume from which the data was backed up. For Image Level on Unix, only CXBF configured volumes are available for restore.

Specify a destination volume, or click Browse to browse and select one; once you have specified or selected a destination volume, click Apply.


Click to select a path for the Destination Volume.


Click to apply the selected volume as the destination volume.


Click to select additional restore options.