Full iDataAgent/Full Tree Restore Options

This dialog box allows you to select the options for a NetWare File System Full iDataAgent restore job or a Novell Directory Services (NDS) Full Tree restore job.

note.gif (292 bytes) You should only perform a NetWare File System  Full iDataAgent restore if:
  • you need to recover the data, applications and system settings of a computer where the File System was irreparably damaged. 

You should only perform an NDS Full Tree restore if:

  • you need to recover the only server in the tree, or 
  • you need to recover all servers in the tree. In this case you need only perform an NDS full tree restore to one server in the tree.

If you want to recover only user data, you should perform a standard restore operation.

Restore from the Latest Backup

Specifies that client computer will be restored using the most recent backup data. 

Restore from a Backup that occurred Before this Date 

Specifies that the client computer will be restored using a backup from a specified date and time.  To change the date, click one in the list.  Also, use the space provided to set the desired time.

Time Zone

Lists the time zones. To change the time zone, select one from the list.

Restore Deleted Files/Folders (no-image) / Restore Deleted Objects/Containers (no-image)

Specifies whether to implement a no-image browse, where the system restores the client computer with all the data that was ever backed up as of the specified backup time. If cleared, the system restores the computer using the image of the data as it existed as of the specified backup time.

Unconditional Overwrite

Unconditional Overwrite

Specifies whether the restored data is unconditionally written to the specified location.

If cleared:

Restore Data and Trustees

Specifies that all data and trustee information is restored. All data retains its original trustee assignments and therefore its original security attributes.

Restore Data without Trustees

Specifies that only data is restored. Trustee assignments related to the data are not affected. The restored data assumes the trustee assignments of the parent directory.

Restore Trustees Only

Specifies that original trustee assignments and therefore original security attributes are restored. If trustee information is restored for data that does not exist, the data is also restored.

Exclude Files/Folders / Exclude Objects/Containers

Use this space to specify files, folders object and/or containers that you want to filter from the restore. To add a file or folder to the filter, click Add. To delete a file or folder from the filter, highlight the file/folder and click Delete.  (File System only.)


Click to select additional restore options.

Change Priority

Click to change the priority for the restore operation.

Start Suspended

Click to start this operation in a Suspended state.

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