Advanced Restore Options (Time Range)

Use this dialog box to specify the date and time options for the restore operation in the selected client, agent, instance/partition, or backup set level depending on the functionality of a given agent.

Image Browsing

Specifies whether the browse operation must return the image of the data as it existed at the specified browse time (image browse). Clear the check box to browse all the data that was secured by all the data protection operations for the selected backup set as of the specified browse times. (no-image browse)

The main difference between image browse and no-image browse is that deleted items are shown only by the no-image browse.

Keep in mind that the display of deleted items depends on whether full backup transparency is enabled. If full backup transparency is disabled (the default), only those deleted items that existed back through the most recent full backup are shown. However if full backup transparency is enabled, the deleted items shown includes those that existed during the time interval from initial index creation through the time being browsed.

To determine whether full backup transparency is enabled or disabled, from the CommCell Browser, right-click the iDataAgent and then select Properties. Click the Index tab. If Create new index on full backup is selected, then full backup transparency is disabled.

Specify Restore Time

Specifies whether the restore operation must restore data in the specified date and time.