Add/Modify Mailbox

Use this dialog box to discover and change the associations of mailboxes to subclients.

Display Name

Displays the Display Name of the mailbox included as content for the associated subclient.

Alias Name

Displays the Alias Name of the mailbox included as content for the associated subclient.

SMTP Address

Displays the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Address of the mailbox included as content for the associated subclient.


Lists the name of the subclient currently associated with the mailbox. To change the subclient association, click on the subclient then select a different one from the list. The choices include: default subclient, any user-defined subclient, or the Do Not Backup/Archive subclient.

Change all selected mailboxes to:

Lists subclients that can be associated with mailboxes. To change the subclient association for one or more selected mailbox(es), click a subclient in the list. If you do not want to backup/content index a mailbox, choose Do Not Backup/ContentIndex option from the list. If no mailbox is selected, this field is disabled.


Click to discover new mailboxes, or to populate the display pane in the dialog box if it is blank and does not display any items.