Subclient Properties (General)

Use Subclient Properties (General) tab or the DataClass Property (General) tab to add, modify or view general information on the selected subclient. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent or enabler for which the information is being displayed.

Client Computer / Client Name

Displays the name of the Client computer to which this subclient belongs.

Billing Department

Displays the name of the billing department, when the subclient is associated with a billing department. For more information on Billing and Costing See the CommNet Books Online.

iDataAgent/Agent Type

Displays the name of the Agent to which this subclient belongs.

Backup Set

Displays the name of the Backup Set to which this subclient belongs.


Displays the name of the Instance to which this subclient belongs.

Database Name

Displays the name of the Database to which this subclient belongs.


Displays the Lotus Domino Server data path under which data is found for this subclient.

Subclient Name

Displays the name of this Subclient. You can use this space to enter or modify the name of the subclient.

Subclient Type

Displays whether this subclient is a database or file/file group type.

Create New Index Every nn Archive Operations

Displays the interval for index creation by number of archive operations on this subclient. You can use this space to modify the interval setting. This setting can be overridden by selecting the Create New Index option on the Advanced Backup/Archive Options (Data) tab. If overridden, the new index interval counter will start again at zero.

Set index cycle to every nn backup jobs

For the default subclient of an On Demand Backup Set, displays the interval for index creation by number of backup or migration operations on this subclient. You can use this space to modify the interval setting. This setting can be overridden by selecting the Create New Index option on the Advanced Backup/Migration Options (Data) tab.

Use Direct Database Access

Specifies to use the alternate read-only direct access to the SharePoint database to backup objects (e.g., documents, list items) and their metadata. This method can increase the backup speed and is applicable for Document backup sets, WSS v3.0, and MOSS 2007 environments. Requires installing specifically Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 2005 on Front-End Web Server. When selected or deselected, the next backup that is run will be a Full backup.


Specifies whether VSS will be used to back up data for this subclient.

Use VSS for System State

Specifies whether VSS will be used to back up the system state for this subclient.

Use QSnap to handle backup of locked files

Specifies whether QSnap will be used to back up data (locked files) for this subclient.

Number of Data Readers

Use this space to specify the number of simultaneous backup data streams allowed for this subclient. For best performance, this should be set no higher than the number of physical drives that hold this subclient's data, except for specialized hardware such as RAID. For more information, see Automatic File System Multi-Streaming or Backup - NAS NDMP in Books Online.

Allow multiple data readers within a drive or mount point

Specifies whether multiple data reads are allowed for a single Windows physical drive or Unix mount point during backups on this subclient. This should be selected only for specialized hardware such as RAID, or possibly in the case of spanned volumes. For more information, see Automatic File System Multi-Streaming in Books Online.

Informix Server

Displays the name of the Informix instance to which this subclient belongs.

Default Subclient

Displays whether this is the default subclient. When a subclient is designated as the default subclient, it will back up/archive all the data for the subclient that is not assigned to any other subclients within the backup set/archive, and it cannot be deleted.

Offline Archive

Specifies whether to enable Offline Archive operations on this subclient to allow Outlook Add-In users the capability of retaining a full copy of archived items in local cache on the Outlook client.

Use Event Check

Specifies whether the system will examine application event logs for Exchange Database to ensure that the three most common errors associated with file-level damage to the database have not occurred prior to backing up the database. When selected, event logs will be examined for these errors based on the starting point specified in Last Event Check Time.

Celerra Proxy Stub Subclient

Use the following group of options to enter or change the configuration information for the Proxy Stub Subclient feature.

Collect User Identity

Specifies that during an archive operation, additional ownership/user information is collected and archived . This information is later used to perform owner based searches.

Operate in Archive Mode (Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent)

When selected, the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent will perform archive operations based on the rules established in the Archive Rules tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box.

Operate in Backup Mode Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent)

When selected, this mode allows you to perform full, incremental, differential, or synthetic full backups of mailbox databases using the Domino Mailbox Archiver Agent. The Archive Rules tab of the Subclient Properties dialog box is disabled, backup operations run with no stubbing phase, and all mailbox data (with the exception of design documents) is backed in a similar fashion to the Lotus Notes Document iDataAgent.


Use this field to enter a description about the entity. This description can include information about the entity's content, cautionary notes, etc.

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