Subclient Properties (Rules)

Use Subclient Properties (Rules) tab or the DataClass Property (Rules) tab to view or change archiving rules for this subclient. Note that all the options described in this help may not be available and only the options displayed in the dialog box are applicable to the agent or enabler for which the information is being displayed.

The following tabs may be displayed:

File (Selection) Rules

Use this tab to create rules that enable or disable the Archiving Rules altogether and that specify criteria such as free space on volumes as a  basis for determining whether to scan a volume for archiving or to determine if files are archived based on a file's age and/or size.

Disable all rules

When selected, all archiving rules, except for Stub Management rules, will be ignored for this subclient. When either selected or disabled, the subclient will include all the files that were added to the client's On Demand File List if supported by the File Archiver Agent. This option is not applicable for DataClassSets.

Begin scan for file selection when free volume is less than n %

Use this space to specify the low watermark value for the volume. As the first step in a migration archiving operation, the free space of the volume is checked where the subclient content resides. If the free space on the volume is greater than the specified value, then the volume will not be scanned for archiving.

For example:

For File Archiver for Windows, this is applicable for Local File System instances only.

End scan if volume is freed to n %

Use this space to specify the high watermark value for the volume, which determines the point at which the migration archiving operation will stop archiving files. When a volume or folder/directory is scanned for archiving and files are being archived, the archiving will continue until the free space on the volume is equal to the value specified here. In the case of a very large file, archiving will continue even beyond the specified high watermark value until the entire file has been archived.

For example:

For File Archiver for Windows, this is applicable for Local File System instances only.

Archive file access time older than n Days

Use this space to specify the number of days elapsed (i.e., the age of the file) since the last accessed time of each file, in order for the file to be archived. If a volume or folder/directory is scanned for archiving, the last accessed date of each file within that volume or folder/directory is checked to see if it is older than the number of days specified here. If the last accessed date of files within a scanned volume or folder/directory is older than the number of days entered in this field, then those files will be archived.

For example:

Migration archiving and stub recovery operations change the access and modified time on files. The File Archiver for Windows Agent provides an enhancement that allows the administrator to preserve the original file access time and modified time during archiving and stub recovery. See Registry Keys (GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES) in Books Online for more information on enabling this feature.

Keep in mind that for the File Archiver for NetWare Agent, it is possible to have a file modified time that is older than the created time in cases where a file has been copied or moved. In such cases, the system will archive based on the created time instead of modified time.

Archive file modified time older than n Days

Use this space to specify the number of days elapsed (i.e., the age of the file) since the modified time of each file, in order for the file to be archived.  If a volume or folder/directory is scanned for archiving, the modified date of each file within that volume or folder/directory is checked to see if it is older than the number of days specified here. If the modified date of files within a scanned volume or folder/directory is older than the number of days entered in this field, then those files will be archived.

For example:

Archive file if size is greater than n KB

Use this space to specify the size a file must be in order for the file to be archived. If a file size within a scanned volume or folder/directory is greater than this value, then it will be archived.  If a volume or folder/directory is scanned for archiving, the size of files within that volume or folder/directory are checked to see if they are greater than the size specified here. If a file size within a scanned volume or folder/directory is greater than this value, then it will be archived.

For example: 

Archive if: Any of the file selection rules are satisfied

Specifies whether to archive a file if it satisfies one or more of the criteria established by the rules in the File Selection Rules tab, in addition to any other rules that may apply. This rule determines whether a file has to satisfy a minimum of one of the rules (i.e., Age or Size) in order to be archived, in addition to satisfying any other rules in the hierarchy. For example:

Archive if: All of the file selection rules are satisfied

Specifies whether to archive a file only if it satisfies all of the criteria established by the rules in the File Selection Rules tab, in addition to any other rules that may apply. This rule determines whether a file has to satisfy both rules (i.e., Age and Size) in order to be archived, in addition to satisfying any other rules in the hierarchy.

For example:

If the only rule that is satisfied is set to 0 then it is not valid and the file will not be archived.

Stub Rule

Use this tab to determine when stubs are pruned and to disable stub creation altogether. Also, for non-DataClassSets, you can specify how often a new index is created, based on the number of archive operations.

Preserve stubs until the media has been pruned

Specifies that stubs will not be pruned until the media is aged during a data aging operation.

Prune stub only after n days

Specifies the number of days that a stub will be retained before it is pruned. You can use this space to change the number of days.

Stub pruning looks at the modified time of the file to determine eligibility for pruning stubs. For File Archiver for Windows, if you use the GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES registry keys, the modified time will be preserved. This means that when you run a migration with these registry keys enabled, the preserved modified time will always be older than the time that the file was stubbed. As such, if you use the Prune stub only after n days option, you should ensure that the modified time is not being preserved. Therefore, be sure to disable the GXHSMSERVICEKEEPTIMES and GXHSMSTUBKEEPTIMES registry keys (which are enabled by default) when you use this option. See Registry Keys in Books Online for more information on enabling this feature.

Archive files only, do not create a stub

Specifies that a stub won’t be created for any archived file. When this option is selected, the archived files will be removed from the computer and a stub recovery is not possible. To recover archived files that do not have stubs, perform a Browse and Recovery procedure from the CommCell Console.

Disable default index cycles

Select this option to change the default setting of Set index cycle to every n archive jobs. Any value other than the default value would be visible the next time the properties tab is accessed.

Set index cycle to every n archive jobs

Use this space to specify how often a new index is created, based on the number of archive operations. This setting can be overridden by selecting the Create New Index option on the Advanced Backup/Archive Options (Data) tab. If overridden, the new index interval counter will start again at zero. Specifies how often a new index is created based on the number of archive jobs. To set a new job number, click one in the list.

For example: 

This option is not applicable for DataClassSets.

Folders\Files Owned By

Use this tab to archive files that are used with the Data Classification Enabler, which provides additional archiving rules beyond traditional files and folder paths. These rules include or exclude folders/files "owned" by specific individuals in archive operations. For File Archiver for Windows, this is applicable for Local File System instances only.

The following list provides details on the regular expressions (or wildcard characters) supported by the following fields in the Folders\Files Owned by and File Paths tabs:
  • For File Archiver Agents, see Wildcards in Books Online.

Include Users and User Groups

Displays the names of the users and user groups whose folders and files will be included in the data protection operations for this subclient. Use this space and click and use Add User, Add User Group, Browse, Remove, and/or Remove All as appropriate. Be sure to include the domain name in your entry when adding items.

If you "add" a user or user group in this manner, and if the user or user group does not have permissions in the domain specified in the enabler General tab, the files for the user or user group will not be included in the data protection operations for the subclient; moreover, the system will not return a corresponding error message under this scenario. Therefore, it is recommended that you either add users or user groups that you know belong to this domain or browse to authenticate against the Active Directory per the next bullet item.

Exclude Users and User Groups

Displays the names of users whose folders and files will be excluded from the data protection operations for this subclient. Use this space and click and use Add User, Add User Group, Browse, Remove, and/or Remove All as appropriate. Be sure to include the domain name in your entry when adding items.

File Paths

Use this tab to archive files that are used with the Data Classification Enabler, which provides additional archiving rules beyond traditional files and folder paths. These rules include or exclude specific folders/files in archive operations. For File Archiver for Windows, this is applicable for Local File System instances only.

When specifying file paths, be sure to include the absolute path or the pattern path as appropriate. An absolute path works as a literal and will return the exact folder or file specified (e.g., c:\user). A pattern path includes the wildcard character "*" or "%" at the end of the string. If the wildcard is placed before the final "\", the pattern path will return all files or folders that start with the string before the wildcard character and that contain any subsequent characters (e.g., c:\user*\ will return c:\user1, c:\userjoe, c:\usergroup, etc.). If the wildcard is placed after the final "\", and if a folder name is included in the pattern path, the pattern path will return all the files contained within the folder (e.g., c:\folder1\* will return all the files contained within the "folder1" folder).

Include File Paths

Displays the names of the folders and files that will be included in the data protection operations for this subclient. Use this space and click and use Add, Browse, Remove, and/or Remove All as appropriate.

Exclude File Paths

Displays the names of the folders and files that will be excluded from the data protection operations for this subclient. Use this space and click and use Add, Browse, Remove, and/or Remove All as appropriate.


Use this tab to archive files that are used with the Data Classification Enabler, which provides additional archiving rules beyond traditional files and folder paths. These rules enable the user to use and save SQL query strings as the archiving rules for this subclient.

SQL query string rules are intended only for advanced users and should be changed only at the risk of such users. If in doubt, do not change rules using SQL query strings without assistance from your Software Provider. See Books Online for more information including a list of file attribute values.

Use query string as rule

Specifies whether to enable the user to use SQL query strings as the archiving rules for this subclient. Use the space provided to include or modify the query strings. Using this option will disable all archiving rules other than stub management rules that might have been set for the subclient. Disabling this option will enable the previously defined rules.

View Rules as Query

Click to access the dialog box that will allow you to save the query in a file. If Use query string as rule is enabled, the query string rules will be saved. If Use query string as rule is disabled, the default rules or the rules established from the other Rules tabs will be saved.

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