1-Touch for Solaris



Setting up 1-Touch for Solaris

Recovering the System to a Specific Level

Recovering Data in Case of Disaster

Global File System Recovery (Clusters)

Perform a Full System Restore


1-Touch for Solaris allows you to recover systems with defective components (e.g., inaccessible root, crashed disk) quickly and efficiently. The feature can recover systems without requiring the reinstallation of operating system files that have been lost. 1-Touch uses file system restore capabilities. It restores data backed up by the default backup set that is configured for 1-Touch.

The feature also involves a 1-Touch server, which is used to boot the client. A 1-Touch server is required for each subnet in a network that contains 1-Touch clients. The 1-Touch server provides the Internet Protocol (IP) address, boot parameters, and files for the 1-Touch clients to be booted. In effect, the 1-Touch server secures the required information from the 1-Touch client's backup and then uses this information to recreate the client's environment.


Setting up 1-Touch for Solaris


If Solaris 10 Update 6 or above jumpstart server is used as 1-touch server, please make sure that it has /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive. It is required for unpacking and repacking Solaris miniroot in jumpstart server.

License Requirements

This feature requires a Feature License to be available in the CommServe® Server.

Review general license requirements included in License Administration. Also, View All Licenses provides step-by-step instructions on how to view the license information.

The 1-Touch feature requires the following licenses:



Configure the 1-Touch Server

Configure the 1-Touch server per the Solaris Advanced Installation Guide at http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/816-2411?q=jumpstart.

Configure the Subclient for 1-Touch

The 1-Touch data is backed up by the default subclient of the default backup set. When you install the File System iDataAgent, you must configure the default subclient for 1-Touch.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To configure the subclient for 1-Touch:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the appropriate (usually the default) subclient and then click Properties from the shortcut menu.
  2. From the Subclient Properties (1-Touch Recovery) tab, click 1-Touch Recovery.
  3. If appropriate, from the same tab, accept or select the name of the 1-Touch server in the 1-Touch server field. Also, accept or type the path to the 1-Touch server directory in the 1-Touch server directory field.
  4. Click OK.

Run a Backup

Start or Schedule regular full backups of the default subclient. Unless you backup the system state, 1-Touch cannot restore the system configuration.

To start a full backup see, Start a Full Backup.

To schedule a full backup see, Schedule Backups.

If the 1-Touch client host ID (mac address) has changed since the most recent 1-Touch backup, be sure to update the client's Ethernet address within the /etc/ethers file on the 1-Touch server. Otherwise, you will not be able to boot the 1-Touch client.

We also recommend that you set the primary mirror as the boot device. Otherwise (e.g., if the secondary mirror is set as the boot device), the 1-Touch restore may fail.

Recovering the System to a Specific Level

You can recover the system to a specific system state level based on an identified backup job or on data that was backed up before an identified date.

Use the following procedure to recover the system to a specific level.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To recover the system to a specific level:

  1. From the CommCell Console, right-click the appropriate backup set, click All Tasks, and then click 1-Touch Recovery to access the Submit 1-Touch Recovery Request wizard.
  2. In the Select a Job step, select the backup job from which you want to restore the data and then click Next. The most recent backup job will be displayed at the top of the list. This information will be used to restore the operating system.
  3. In the Select Recovery Options step, click the appropriate fields to select your options. If desired, click Advanced to set any additional restore options and then click OK. Then click Next. This information will be used to restore the data.
  4. In the Summary step, review the options that you selected. As appropriate, use the Back and Next buttons to navigate to and change options in the affected dialog boxes.
  5. When you are finished, go to the Summary dialog box and click Finish. The recovery should complete.

Recovering Data in Case of Disaster

Use the following procedures to recover data in case of disaster.

Try to avoid the unconditional overwrite of the root directory on a live file system. This is a mechanism that allows an unconditional overwrite of open files in the root directory (/) on a live file system. Performing such a restore can result in an inconsistent system that may also fail to boot. Use this option AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To recover a system using 1-Touch:

  1. Connect the client to network and switch on the power.

  2. From the CommCell Console on the 1-Touch server, right-click the appropriate backup set, click All Tasks, and then click 1-Touch Recovery to access the Submit 1-Touch Recovery Request wizard.

  3. At the boot prompt of the affected client, enter one of the following commands, as appropriate:

    where <user_id> is Commcell console user id and <passwd> is Commcell console password.

    This step starts the 1-Touch. All logging output for the recovery is redirected to the console and a file under the /tmp directory.

    The 1-Touch client updates the sr.log log files on both the client and the 1-Touch server. If a 1-Touch client backup completed successfully and is somehow failing to boot, be sure to check the sr.log on the 1-Touch server for any warning.

    If you are using a different 1-Touch server than that was used previously, remove the client’s name from the database of the previous 1-Touch server. Otherwise, the client will not be able to boot off the network because both servers will respond to the client’s RARP request. To do this, from the Tools directory (e.g., /database/jumpstart/Solaris_9/Tools, run the ./rm_install_client <clientname> command.
    For DHCP clients, run the following commands:

    • ./rm_install_client <platform name>
    • ./rm_install_client <ethernet address>
    • ./rm_install_client  -f <boot file name>

    Sometimes, the RARP, bootparams and tftp daemons fail to re-read network information pertaining to the 1-Touch client. In such cases, you may have to restart the daemons.

  4. At this point, the recovery procedure should launch an automatic command line restore. If this is successful, go to the next step. If this is not successful, manually restore / to /a on the client.

    Rebooting with command: net - w recover
    Phase 1 of 1-Touch starting
    Starting services
    Starting cvd service... done
    Starting EvMgrC service... done
    Starting cvfwd service, if installed... done

    Launching automatic restore. Hit return to continue...

  5. Pause while the system completes some internal boots and performs some processing. No action is required on your part.

    Phase 2 of 1-Touch started
    Mounting '/opt/calypso' if on a separate file system...done
    Phase 2 of 1-Touch is now complete

    Phase 3 of 1-Touch started
    Preserve not specified
    All file system will be created regardless of their state

    Phase 3 of 1-Touch is now completed

    Launching automatic restore. Hit return to continue...

  6. At this point, you are advised that the system will reboot without any further user input.

    Job (28) is Completed ...
    Stopping services

    Phase 4 of 1-Touch is now complete

    Any remaining 1-Touch actions will continue after the reboot!
    Rebooting with command:
    Phase 5 of 1-Touch started

    1-Touch procedures have now been completed

    The system will now reboot to continue normal operation
    #### Normal boot :-)
    SPARCstation 5, No Keyboard
    ROM Rev. 2.28, 128 MB memory installed, Serial #8856067. Ethernet address 8:0:20:87:22:3, Host ID: 80872203.
    Rebooting with command:
    Boot device: /iommu/sbus/espdma@5,8400000/esp@5,8800000/sd@3,0 File and args:
    SunOS Release 5.7 Version Generic_106541-12 [UNIX(R) System V Release 4.0] Copyright (c) 1983-1999, Sun Microsystems, Inc. configuring network interfaces: le0.
    Hostname: pluto3

To debug boot problems, use the snoop and truss commands.

Global File System Recovery (Clusters)

Global File Systems will not be recovered during the 1-Touch for Solaris recovery. These file systems should be recovered after the failure to mount the Global File System becomes apparent. This will become apparent only during a full node recovery since this should be the only time any Global File System is not available. This ensures that a single node recovery will not delete Global File Systems.

Be sure to note the file system type and then recreate the file system as previously created. The initial Global File System restore should be started from the node that served as the Global File System controller at the time of the last 1-Touch backup. The 1-Touch restore directory contains the Global File System disk recovery commands. For example:




where :

arecibo is the client
is the system's jumpstart directory
vxvm.commands (with vxvm.vxmake.oracle_dg)
is the Global File System volume group using VERITAS Volume Manager
lvm.mk.commands is the Global File System volume group using Solaris Volume Manager

The following error messages may be displayed during a Sun Cluster 1-Touch recovery. However, you can ignore these messages as they are unintentional.

devfsadm: mkdir failed for /dev/md/shared/1/rdsk 0x1ed: No such file or directory
devfsadm: cannot create link: /dev/md/shared/1/rdsk/d81 - > ../../../../../devices/pseudo/md@0:1,81,raw. max attenpts exceeded

Perform a Full System Restore

The difference between a normal restore and a full system restore is the severity of the problem. Normally, if data is lost or removed, it is recovered from the archives using the normal restore procedures. However, when a normal restore operation cannot correct a software and/or hardware corruption problem, some additional changes may be required.

Also refer to Restore Data - Solaris File System iDataAgent - Full System Restore.

When the root file system is lost, a full system restore is required. Select the appropriate method to restore:

Before You Begin

On a Solaris system, you can use either the jump start server method or the miniroot method to perform a full system restore. The jump start server method is considered the easier of the two methods because you do not need to use an additional drive for rebooting purposes. The latter steps for both methods are identical.

The jump start server method includes the following general steps (detailed instructions are provided in the following section):

  1. Copy the jump start software to your machine.
  2. Add clients that will boot off of the jump start server
  3. Create a new root directory, and add the required system hosts, shared memory, and system services.
  4. Create and mount a root file system on the system that you want to restore.
  5. If any additional file systems were lost, create and mount them as well.
  6. Use the Solaris File System iDataAgent to restore your data.

The miniroot method includes the following general steps (detailed instructions are provided in the sections below):

  1. Install a Core System Support partition on the system that you want to restore.
  2. If the whoami command is not available on your system, follow the workaround provided.
  3. Install the Solaris File System iDataAgent on the Core System Support partition.
  4. Create and mount a root file system on the system that you want to restore.
  5. If any additional file systems were lost, create and mount them as well.
  6. Use the Solaris File System iDataAgent to restore your data
Try to avoid the unconditional overwrite of the root directory on a live file system. This is a mechanism that allows an unconditional overwrite of open files in the root directory (/) on a live file system. Performing such a restore can result in an inconsistent system that may also fail to boot. Use this option AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Perform a Full System Restore for Solaris 10 Update 5 and Below

Using the jump start server method:

  1. From the appropriate Solaris CD-ROM (e.g., Solaris 8), navigate to the appropriate Tools directory (Example: s0/Solaris_8/Tools directory).
  2. Enter the following command to copy the jump start software to your machine.
    ./setup_install_server -b /opt/boot
  3. For each client that you want to boot off of the jump start server, enter the appropriate add command. For example, the following example implies that three such clients will be booted.
    ./add_* -i -e 8:0:20:7c:89:1a -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto6 sun4u
    ./add_* -i -e 8:0:20:7d:e6:33 -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto7 sun4m
    ./add_* -i -e 8:0:20:7c:73:f -s pluto8:/jumpstart pluto4 sun4m

  4. Copy <mnt_point>/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot from the CD-ROM to a shareable directory (Example: /jumpstart)
  5. Modify /etc/bootparams to reflect the new root directory (i.e., not the CD-ROM slice)
  6. Modify <mnt_point>/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot/.tmp_proto/root/etc/inet/hosts to add the hosts needed to communicate with the Solaris File System iDataAgent

  7. Modify <mnt_point>/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot/etc/system to add shared memory information. For example:
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4199304
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=5824
    set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=5824
    set semsys:seminfo_semmns=5824
    set semsys:seminfo_semmni=5824
    set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=5824

  8. Modify <mnt_point>/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot/etc/services to add system services. For example:
    cvd 8400/tcp
    EvMgrS 8401/tcp

  9. Create symbolic links for required writeable areas in <mnt_point>/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot/etc/.    For example:
    ln -s ../tmp/root/etc/inet/Galaxy.pkg Galaxy.pkg
    ln -s /tmp/CommVaultRegistry CommVaultRegistry

    Then let the system boot.

  10. Using an open slice, create and mount a /opt file system (e.g., swap slice).
  11. Install the Solaris File System iDataAgent software. If the installer requests patches and the required patches have not been installed on the jump start server, skip the request to add the additional operating system patches. See Deployment - Unix File System iDataAgents for instructions. When the Solaris File System iDataAgent is installed, continue with the next step.
  12. Create partitions/slices on the disk by entering the following command:
  13. Create the root file system by entering the command:
    newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition where you want to create the root file system.
  14. Mount the new root file system at /mnt by entering the following command:
    mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID> /mnt
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the root file system.
  15. Create an empty directory called proc on /mnt as follows:
    mkdir /mnt/proc
  16. If any other file systems existed on the root disk before the system crash, you must recreate them as well. For each file system, enter the command
    newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the file system that was lost.
  17. If you have recreated any file systems other than root, you must mount these as well. For each file system, enter the following commands:
    mkdir /mnt/<file_system_name>

    mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID>  /mnt/<file_system_name>
where <file_system_name> is the name of the file system and <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the file system.

  1. From the CommCell Console, right-click on the backup set that contains the backup data of the root file system, click All Tasks, click Restore, type / as the path to restore from, and exclude from the content of the restore any file systems that were not affected by the system crash.
    Do not select Unconditional Overwrite from the Restore Options dialog box.
  2. When restoring encrypted data, refer to Data Encryption.
  3. Click OK to start the restore.
  4. Verify that the restore operation has completed successfully, then reboot the computer. The system boots to the newly restored root.

This procedure is now complete.

Using the mini-root method:

  1. When you perform a full system restore, the client computer must have a Core System Support partition with the Solaris File System iDataAgent installed on the Core System Support. Do not install the Core System Support on the disk that will contain the restored root file system. Install the Core System Support with the networking option enabled. The TCP/IP, hostname, and domain name settings of the Core System Support must match those of the system that you are restoring.
    If you install the Core System Support on an external drive, it can be used for other systems. However, you will have to remove and re-install the Solaris File System iDataAgent software for each client. In addition, you will have to reconfigure TCP/IP, hostname, and domain name settings for each system.

    Load a Core System Support partition on your system. (You can get installation instructions from the Sun website.) Once the software is installed, boot your system.

  2. From the eeprom console prompt ok: type the following command:
    boot <disk3>
    where <disk3> is the path to the bootable core system.
  3. Log in from the console.
  4. After you log in to the system, if /usr/ucb/whoami does not exist, do the following:

    Enter these commands:
    cd /usr
    mkdir ucb
    cd ucb

    Use the vi utility to create a file called whoami. Type the following in the whoami file:
    echo root
    Save the file and quit vi.

    Enter the following command:
    chmod 755 whoami
  5. Install the Solaris File System iDataAgent software. See Deployment - Unix File System iDataAgents for instructions. When the Solaris File System iDataAgent is installed, continue with the next step.
  6. Create partitions/slices on the disk by entering the following command:
    For x86 systems, be sure to use the fdisk command to partition the disk before you format it. This will allow you to add a "Solaris2" partition to hold the Solaris "slices". For example:

    fdisk /dev/rdsk/c1d0p0
  7. Create the root file system by entering the command:
    newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition where you want to create the root file system.
  8. Mount the new root file system at /mnt by entering the following command:
    mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID> /mnt
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the root file system.
  9. Create an empty directory called proc on /mnt as follows:
    mkdir /mnt/proc
  10. If any other file systems existed on the root disk before the system crash, you must recreate them as well. For each file system, enter the command
    newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the file system that was lost.
  11. If you have recreated any file systems other than root, you must mount these as well. For each file system, enter the following commands:
    mkdir /mnt/<file_system_name>
    mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID>
    where <file_system_name> is the name of the file system and <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the file system.
  12. From the CommCell Console, right-click on the backup set that contains the backup data of the root file system, click All Tasks, click Restore, type / as the path to restore from, and exclude from the content of the restore any file systems that were not affected by the system crash.
    Do not select Unconditional Overwrite from the Restore Options dialog box.
  13. When restoring encrypted data, refer to When restoring encrypted data, refer to Data Encryption.
  14. Click OK to start the restore.
  15. Verify that the restore operation has completed successfully, then reboot the computer. The system boots to the newly restored root.
  16. Reinstall the boot block in the disk partition.
    For SPARC systems, use the installboot command.

       For example:
    installboot /usr/platform/'uname -i' /lib/fs/ufs/bootblk/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0

For x86 systems, use the installgrub command. For example:
    installgrub - m /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2/dev/rdsk/c1d0s0

  1. Create an empty directory called "Temp" in <install directory>/Base. For example:
    mkdir /opt/calypso/Base/Temp

This procedure is now complete.

Perform a Full System Restore for Solaris 10 Update 6 and Above

Using the mini-root method:

  1. On the boot server, perform the jump start method as explained above in the section 'Using the jump start server method'.
  2. Install the jump start server on the Boot server

    cd <jumpstart_install_directory>

  1. Unpack miniroot (<miniroot_mnt_dir>=`pwd`/boot) by entering the following command:

      /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive unpack sparc.miniroot `pwd`/boot  

  1. Follow the steps given below if, on the client, Calypso was installed at /opt:

       cd <miniroot_mnt_dir>/etc/

    ln –s /tmp/Calypso/CommVaultRegistry CommVaultRegistry

If Calypso was installed at a different directory, change the steps as follows:

       cd <miniroot_mnt_dir>

    ln –s /tmp/Calypso opt/Calypso

    ln –s  /tmp/Calypso var/log/Calypso

  1. Pack Miniroot

       pack miniroot /boot/solaris/bin/root_archive pack sparc.miniroot `pwd`/boot

  1. NFS export a directory with RW (Read/Write) permissions for the client to be recovered.


    where <mydir> is the name of the directory.

  1. Make sure the client gets all required permissions on this directory and its contents.
  2. From the Commcell console, restore CommVaultRegistry and /opt/Calypso/* into /export/<mydir>

       cd to /export/<mydir>

    mkdir Log_Files

    mv Base32 Base

    mv iDataAgent32 iDataAgent

If you are using x64 Solaris, then:

mv Base/Calypso Base32

rm –rf Base iDataAgent

  1. On the Client side, perform the following steps:
  2. Jumpstart the client using the boot server.
  3. Follow the prompts and get to a shell. Bring up all the interfaces.

       boot net -s

  1. Configure a default route.

       route add default <172.x.x.x>

    where <172.x.x.x> is the Gateway address

  1. Add the client IP address and hostname to:


  1. Add the Media Agent and CommServe to:


  1. Create partitions/slices on the disk by entering the command:
    For x86 systems, be sure to use the fdisk command to partition the disk before you format it. This will allow you to add a "Solaris2" partition to hold the Solaris "slices". For example:

    fdisk /dev/rdsk/c1d0p0
  2. Create the root file system by entering the command:
    newfs /dev/dsk/<DriveID>

    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition where you want to create the root file system.

  1. Mount the new root file system at /mnt by entering the following command:
    mount /dev/dsk/<DriveID> /mnt 

    where <DriveID> is the Drive Identifier of the partition containing the root file system.

  1. If ZFS on Root partition, follow the steps given below to create zpools and file systems:

      zpool create –R/a <pool name>

    where <pool name> is the  zpool name created during the initial Solaris install.

    zfs create <pool name>/FS1

    where <pool name> is the  zpool name created during the initial Solaris install and FS1 is the file system name

    zfs set mountpot=<first_mountpoint><pool name>/FS1

    where <first_mountpoint> refers to its original mountpoint and FS1 is the file system name

    fs create <pool name>/FS2

    where <pool name> is the  zpool name created during the initial Solaris install and FS2 is the file system name

    zfs set mountpot=<first_mountpoint><pool name>/FS1

    where <first_mountpoint> refers to its original mountpoint and <pool name> is the zpool name created during the initial Solaris install.

  1. Continue the same steps to create all of the ZFS file systems
  2. Create a dump and swap the file systems, using the following command:

       zfs create –V <space required> <fsname>

    where <fsname> is the filesystem name. Example: /export/home

  1. One of the ZFS file system will have ‘/’ as the mount point, after creating this file system, follow the steps given below to export and re-import the Root Pool:

       zpool export <rpool>

    where <rpool> is the root pool name

    zpool import –R /a <rpool>

       where <rpool> is the root pool name

    zpool set bootfs=<fs_mp> <rpool>

    where <fs_mp> is the name of the file system that has the mount point = ‘/’  and <rpool> is the root pool name

    mkdir /tmp/Calypso

    mount bootserver:/NFS/exported/myfolder /tmp/Calypso

  1. Check if: /var/log/Calypso is a link to /tmp/Calypso
  2. If not, then use:

       ln –s /tmp/Calypso /var/log/Calypso

  1. To start the Recovery services, follow the steps given below:
    cd /opt/Calypso

    mkdir /opt/Calypso/Base/Temp/



    svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start cvd

    svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start EvMgrC

    svc_ctrl –focus $GALAXY_VM -start cvfwd

  1. From the CommCell console, launch the Restore operation.
  2. Follow the steps given below to boot the client and restore all data:
  3. Set the variable          

       platform=`uname –i`

  1. Use the variable as directory, to map it to the correct Boot block.

Following command is for Solaris 10 Update 6 or above:

    installboot –F zfs /a/usr/platform/$Platform/lib/fs/zfs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/<boot_disk>

    where <boot_disk> is the name of the disk to be booted

Following command is for Solaris 10 Update 5 or below:

       installboot /a/usr/platform/$Platform/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/<boot_disk>

    where <boot_disk> is the name of the disk to be booted

For x86 systems:

installgrub –fm /a/boot/grub/stage1/a/boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/<boot disk>
bootadm update-archive –R /a
init 6

This procedure is now complete.

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