Browse and Restore/Recover/Retrieve from Copies - How To

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Browse and Restore Data from a Specific Copy

Restore Data From a Selective Copy Without Browsing

Restore Data From a Synchronous Copy Without Browsing

Configure Browse/Search/Recovery Options

Browse/Restore Data from a Specific Copy

You can browse the data available in a synchronous or selective storage policy copy. This option is useful in situations where you wish to browse from a specific media or if a particular MediaAgent is currently unavailable. Once you have browsed the data from a copy, you can then recover the data from that copy. The option to browse/restore data from specific copies is not available for all the agents.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To browse data from a specific copy:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level whose data you want to browse, click All Tasks, and then click the Browse option from that level.
  2. From the Browse Options dialog box, click Advanced.
  3. In the Advanced Browse Options dialog box select the Browse from copy precedence option.
  4. Choose either the Synchronous Copy Precedence or Selective Copy Precedence option and then specify the precedence number.
  5. Click OK in the Advanced Browse Options dialog box.
  6. Click OK in the Browse Options dialog box to execute the browse. The Backup Data browse window appears.
  7. From the Backup Data browse window, select the objects that you want to restore, and then click Recover All Selected. The Restore Options dialog box appears.
  8. From the Restore Options dialog box, select the desired restore options. If desired, click Advanced to choose additional restore options.
  9. Click OK from the Restore Options dialog box to begin the restore operation.
  10. While the job is running you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail... to view information on the job. After the data has been recovered, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.

All Agents

Restore Data From a Selective Copy Without Browsing

You can restore a data from a selective copy without browsing first.

Before you Begin

  • Review the general and agent-specific restore requirements accessed from Restore Backup Data prior to performing any restore operation.
  • Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

    To restore a database or instance from Selective Copy without browsing:

    1. If you want to perform a restore, you can determine the time to use by following the procedures in this step. From the CommCell Browser single-click the Storage Policy that has the Selective Copy created for it. You will see a list of Storage Policy copies displayed in the right-pane of the CommCell Browser. From the right-pane, right-click on the Selective Copy, click View and then click Backups. On the Backups for Copy window look at the End Time for the specific backup you want to restore from, to determine the time to use for a Point In Time restore. Click Close to exit this window.
    2. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the object that contains the data you want to restore, click All Tasks and then click Restore. The Restore Options (General) dialog box appears.
    3. From the Restore Options dialog box, select the desired restore options. If desired, click Advanced to choose additional restore options.
    4. From the Copy Precedence tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, select the Restore from Copy Precedence option, then select the Selective Copy Precedence option and type or select a copy precedence number in the associated box. Click OK.
    5. Continue the restore.
    6. While the job is running you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail... to view information on the job. After the data has been recovered, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.


    Restore Data From a Synchronous Copy Without Browsing

    You can restore data from a synchronous copy without browsing first.

    Before you Begin

    Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

    To restore data from a synchronous copy without browsing:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the level that contains the data you want to restore, click All Tasks and then click Restore. The Restore Options (General) dialog box appears.
    2. From the tabs in the Restore Options dialog box, select the desired restore options.
    3. Click Advanced.
    4. From the Copy Precedence tab of the Advanced Restore Options dialog box, select the Restore from Copy Precedence option, then select the Synchronous Copy Precedence option and type or select a copy precedence number in the associated box. Click OK.
    5. If desired, click the tabs for the Advanced Restore Options dialog box as appropriate to choose additional restore options.
    6. Continue the restore.
    7. While the job is running you can right-click the job in the Job Controller and select Detail... to view information on the job. After the data has been recovered, you will see a job completion message in the Job Controller and Event Viewer.


    Configure Browse/Search/Recovery Options

    Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

    To configure the browse/search/recovery options:

    1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the CommServe, and select Control Panel.
    2. From the Control Panel, select the Browse/Search/Recovery option.
    3. From the Browse/Search/Recovery Option dialog box, select the options you want enabled during the browse and recover operations. You can select from the following options:
    4. Click OK.

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