Browse and Restore/Recover/Retrieve Using the Exact Index

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Normally when browsing or restoring data, if the required index for the data is not in the index cache, then the index from the last backup in the backup cycle corresponding to the selected point-in-time (the last-in-cycle backup) is restored and used to perform the browse or restore operation.

When you select the Use Exact Index option, the index from the specified point-in-time is restored instead of from the last-in-cycle backup.

This is useful in situations when you want to restore data from specific media; for example, this feature is useful when media is off-site, and you would like to maximize the chances that the necessary index information comes from the same media.

This option can be established as a global property from the Browse/Recovery option available in the Control Panel.

However, if necessary, this can be overridden by selecting the appropriate option required to perform the browse operation from the Advanced Browse options, or Restore Options.