Command Line Interface - Error Codes

The following list contains the possible returned error codes and their descriptions.

Error Code Description
0x1 QSDK Server Internal Error
0x2 QSDK Server failed to submit request to CommServe
0x3 Unsupported command received by QSDK Server
0x4 Invalid request received by QSDK Server
0x5 Invalid Session Information received by QSDK Server
0x6 User logged out
0x7 QSDK Server encountered failure while preparing the CommServe request
0x8 QSDK Server encountered failure while sending the CommServe request
0x9 QSDK Server failed to find a connection to the CommServe, Relogin required
0xA Connection to the CommServe terminated, Relogin required
0xB CommServe failed to return Job ID
0xC CommServe failed to return data
0x101 Could not establish a connection with CommServe
0x102 QSDK Server encountered failure while receiving the CommServe's response
0x103 Invalid Login/Password
0x104 QSDK version not supported by CommServe
0x105 Login Retry count exceeded
0x106 No response from CommServe
0x107 Login Successful
0x108 Logout Successful
0x109 Another instance of the operation running
0x10A Connection to the CommServe terminated, Relogin required
0x10B User not logged in
0x10C Operation failed at CommServe
0x10D No response received from CommServe
0x10E Unsupported Application Type
0x10F Unsupported Backup options
0x110 Unsupported Restore options
0x111 Instance not specified
0x112 BackupSet not specified
0x113 Subclient not specified
0x114 QSDK Server not compatible with the CommServe
0x115 CommServe requires a new password for the user. Please use CommCell Console to renew the expired password.
0x116 Failed to restore DB
0x117 Failed to capture clients
0x118 Failed to merge clients
0x119 Failed to apply license
0x120 Failed to get CommServe time zone information
0x201 QSDK API Internal Error
0x202 Failed to connect to QSDK Server
0x203 HOME environment variable not set. Please export it and retry the command.
0x204 Failed to send request to QSDK Server
0x205 Failed to receive response from QSDK Server
0x206 No response received from QSDK Server
0x207 Invalid response received from QSDK Server
0x208 QSDKSession file corrupted, Relogin required
0x209 User not logged in
0x20A Failed to update QSDKSession file
0x20B Failed to delete QSDKSession file
0x20C Unable to determine QSDK Server name
0x20D Unable to determine VM name
0x20E CommServe name not specified
0x301 Unsupported option
0x302 Missing argument
0x303 Invalid argument
0x305 Invalid name length
0x306 Default backup set cannot be deleted
0x307 Cannot perform the operation on uninstalled client
0x308 Agent has been uninstalled, this operation is not allowed
0x309 On-demand Backupset creation is not supported for NetWare
0x30A Failed to open arguments file, %S, check option [%S]
0x30B Unable to open source paths file
0x30C Default Subclient cannot be deleted
0x30D Failed to read the answer file, %s, check option [%S]|[%s]
0x30E Failed to create answer file, %s, check option [%S]|[%s]
0x30F Specified storage policy is not an iDataAgent Backup storage policy
0x310 Invalid Password
0x311 User defined subclient cannot have / or \ as content
0x312 Specified storage policy is not a DataArchiver storage policy
0x313 User doesn't have rights to run CommCell Migration
0x314 Passwords did not match, please try again
0x315 Invalid Time format specified (dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm[:ss])
0x316 Specified time is an invalid calendar time
0x317 Invalid time range specified, To time is less than From time