DC Console - How To

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Add a Computer with Data Classification

Generate Reports Regarding Attributes of Files on a Data Classification Computer

Relocate a Data Classification Database

Defragment Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

Set the Monitor Status for Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

Administer Filtered Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

Administer Registry Values for a Data Classification Computer

Add a Computer with Data Classification

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To add a Computer with Data Classification to the DC Clients list:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. In the DC Console dialog box, right-click DC Clients and then click Add Client.
  3. In the Data Classification dialog box, type the name of the computer with Data Classification in the space and then click OK.
    The Unix DC Console will send an authentication request to the targeted client. If a response is not forthcoming after some time period, you will be prompted to try adding the client later.
  4. Repeat this procedures for each computer that you want to add.

The name of each computer should be displayed under DC Clients.

Generate Reports Regarding Attributes of Files on a Data Classification Computer

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To generate reports regarding attributes of files on a Data Classification computer:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the list of clients, right-click the name of the Data Classification computer for whose files you want to generate a report and then click Reports.
  3. From the Report Type list, click the filter for file selection.
  4. In the Volumes field, select the volume(s) whose files you want to administer.
  5. Click Reports Configuration. If you clicked File Name Pattern from the Report Type list, go to the next step. If you clicked File Size Range, skip the next step.
  6. In the File Name Patterns tab, ensure that the name of each file on the affected computer is included in the File Namesspace. To remove a file, click the file name in the space and then click Remove. To add a file, type the name of the file in the Enter File Name Pattern space and then click Add. Finally, click OK. Skip the next step.
  7. In the File Size Ranges tab, ensure that the minimum and maximum file size ranges of the files on the affected computer are included in the Min(KB)|Max(KB) space at the top of the dialog box. To remove a file size range, click the range and then click Remove. To add a file size range, type the minimum size and the maximum size of the files that should be included in the Enter File Size Ranges spaces and then click Add. Finally, click OK.
  8. Click Generate Reports. A pie chart display based on your inputs will be displayed in Report Results.
  9. Repeat this procedure for each computer for whose files you want to generate reports.

Relocate a Data Classification Database

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To move a Data Classification database for a computer to another location:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the DC Clients list on the left-hand side, click the affected computer.
  3. From the Volumes Data pane, right-click the affected volume and then click Relocate DB.
  4. In the Relocate DB dialog box, type the new location for the Data Classification database in the Database Path field.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Repeat the appropriate steps for each affected volume on the computer.
  7. Repeat this procedure for each computer whose Data Classification database you want to relocate.

Defragment Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To defragment volumes on a Data Classification computer:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the DC Clients list on the left-hand side, click the affected computer.
  3. From the Volumes Data pane, right-click the affected volume and then click Defrag.
  4. Click OK. Volume defragmentation should take place.
  5. Repeat the appropriate steps for each affected volume on the computer.
  6. Repeat this procedure for each computer whose volumes you want to defragment.

Set the Monitor Status for Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To set the monitor status for volumes on a Data Classification computer:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the DC Clients list on the left-hand side, click the affected computer.
  3. From the Volumes Data pane, right-click the affected volume and then click Start Monitoring or Stop Monitoring as appropriate.
  4. Click OK. The monitor status should take effect.
  5. Repeat the appropriate steps for each affected volume on the computer.
  6. Repeat this procedure for each computer whose volumes' monitor status you want to set.

Administer Filtered Volumes on a Data Classification Computer

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To administer filtered volumes on a Data Classification computer:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the DC Clients list on the left-hand side, click the affected computer.
  3. Go to the Filtered Volumes pane.
  4. To add a filtered volume to the computer, right-click in the Filtered Volumes pane, click Add, type the path for the volume in the Entered Filtered Volume field, and click OK. The filtered volume, if valid, should be displayed in the pane.

    To remove a filtered volume from the computer, right-click the affected volume and then click Delete. The filtered volume, if valid, should be removed from the pane.

  5. Repeat the appropriate steps for each affected volume on the computer.
  6. Repeat this procedure for each computer whose filtered volumes you want to administer.

Administer Registry Values for a Data Classification Computer

wedge.gif (136 bytes)To administer registry values for a Data Classification computer:

  1. From the CommCell Console, click the Tools menu and then click Unix DC Console.
  2. From the DC Clients list on the left-hand side, click the affected computer.
  3. From the Registry Values pane, right-click the affected registry key and then click Edit.
  4. In the Edit Registry Values dialog box, indicate or type the desired value in the Registry Value field.
  5. Click OK. The change should be displayed in the pane.
  6. Repeat this procedure for each registry key whose value you want to administer.
  7. Repeat this procedure for each computer whose registry keys' status you want to administer.