Deconfiguring Agents - How To

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Deconfigure a Client, MediaAgent, or Agent

Suspend Use of a Client Computer Temporarily

Hide Deconfigured Clients

Deconfigure a Client, MediaAgent, Agent, or Enabler

Required Capabilities: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

Administrative Management capability cannot be used to perform the deconfigure operation from the MediaAgent level.

Before you Begin:

To deconfigure a client, MediaAgent, agent, or enabler:

  1. In the CommCell Browser, right-click the name of the client, MediaAgent, agent, or enabler you want to deconfigure, click All Tasks (if displayed), and select Deconfigure.
  2. A popup warning message appears.

    Click OK to continue.

  3. Another popup message then appears.

    Click Yes to continue with the deconfiguration or No to abort.

  4. If the deconfigure is unsuccessful, a number of popup messages appears. In some cases, the message requests that you take some corrective action. For example, the message might advise you to ensure that there are no jobs running on the agent. In such a case, click OK and take the appropriate action. Then repeat the deconfigure process.

If the deconfigure is successful, the tree element is dimmed and available for deletion.

Suspend Use of a Client Computer Temporarily

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To suspend use of a client computer temporarily:

  1. Create a New Scratch Pool that does not contain any media, and name it No_Media. Note that a scratch pool with no media associations does not harm any existing configurations, nor does it misuse media.
  2. Create a Storage Policy (standard), name it No_Backups, and point it to the No_Media scratch pool.
  3. Disable Operations for the client that you are temporarily disabling.
  4. Verify that the Queue Jobs if Activity Control is Disabled option is disabled. This will reduce the number of queued jobs in the Job Controller.
  5. Re-point all the client's subclients to the No_Backups storage policy. When a user changes the storage policy association of a subclient, retention cycles are set to zero (0), therefore, only the retention days must be exceeded for data to be aged. In this case, the data in the storage policy to which the client's subclients were originally pointing to will age accordingly. Note that if the client computer's activity is re-enabled, you can point the subclients back to their original storage policy.
  6. To resume client activity: Enable Operations for the client, and point the subclients back to their original storage policy.


Hide Deconfigured Clients

Required Capabilities: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To hide deconfigured clients:

  1. From the CommCell Console, select Tools | Control Panel.
  2. From the Control Panel, double-click User Preference.
  3. In the User Preferences dialog box, click Hide deconfigured clients.
  4. Click OK.

The deconfigured clients should now be hidden from view.