Direct-Attached Shared Libraries - Configure

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Configure a Direct-Attached Shared Library

Before You Begin

To configure a direct-attached shared library

1. Display the Library and Drive Configuration window.
2. Detect the devices as described in one of the following:

Note that the Library and Drive Configuration window displays a master drive pool (with a drive pool and the associated drives) for each of the MediaAgents sharing the library.

3. If you want to modify library properties, right-click the library and select Properties.

From the Library Properties window, you can change the following properties:

  • Alias: Allows you to specify a descriptive name for the library. This name is displayed in the CommCell Browser for the library. We recommend that you give each library a descriptive name for easier system administration.
  • Door Check Seconds: This interval, expressed in seconds, determines how frequently the system checks to see whether the library door is open. If the door is open during a check, the system conducts a full inventory of the library after the door is closed. This way, if media were manually inserted or removed from the library while the door was open, the inventory is updated. This value is editable only before the library is configured.
  • Automatically create storage policy for new Datapaths: When selected, this option indicates whether the system must automatically create new storage policies during subsequent library configuration.

When you are satisfied with your changes, click OK.

4. Configure the library as described in Configure Devices.

The status of the drive pools and their constituent drives changes to configured.

The Library tab provides  the physical view of the devices (library and drives).


  The Data Paths tab provides a logical view of the data path used to access the devices - library, master drive pool, drive pool, drive.