Disaster Recovery Using a Hot-Site

Topics | Planning | Recovery


Partial Disaster Solutions


CommCell Disaster Recovery strategy provides planning from catastrophic events, such as:

Whether it is single or multi-component failures, or total failures, it is important to have a disaster recovery strategy ahead of time.

Partial Disaster Solutions

The following sections describe solutions for partial disaster scenarios.

CommServe Failure

CommServe failures may make your CommCell or part of your CommCell nonfunctional. In the event of a CommServe failure, the CommServe can be rebuilt to the same computer with the same host name and IP address or to a new computer with a different host name and IP address.

For the steps involved in performing these operations, see CommServe Recovery.

SRM Server Failure

If you have SRM Server installed with the CommServe, then the CommServe and the SRM Server must be built together. It can be rebuilt to the same computer with the same host name and IP address or to a new computer with a different host name and IP address.

For the steps involved in performing these operations, see SRM Disaster Recovery.

MediaAgent Failure

MediaAgent failures may fail all jobs that access the MediaAgent. In such a situation, you can perform any one of the following:

To guard against the loss of data if the MediaAgent controlling the active library controller fails, in a SAN environment, you can configure your active library controller to automatically failover to another active library controller candidate.

To make sure that data protection jobs in the CommCell complete successfully in the event of a MediaAgent failure, you can configure existing storage policies with Alternate Data Paths. This enables the data protection operations to automatically switch over to another resource, when there is a failure in the MediaAgent. See Alternate Data Paths (GridStor) for more information.

This would allow you to continue operations on the affected clients while the MediaAgent is being rebuilt. For the steps involved in rebuilding a MediaAgent, see MediaAgent Recovery.

Library and Drive Failure/Upgrade

In some situations it may be necessary to replace a library with a new library, e.g., replacing a damaged library or replacing an old library with a new library that has a better configuration. This can be done as follows:

Client/Application Failure

A Client computer may consist of several iDataAgents. For example a computer hosting an Exchange 2000 server may include a Windows 2000 File System iDataAgent and Exchange 2000 Server iDataAgent. You will have to perform a full system restore for each of these iDataAgents to rebuild the computer. Depending on the iDataAgents installed on a Client computer, follow the full system restore procedures described listed in Disaster Recovery.

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