Restore Data - SAP for Oracle and SAP for MAXDB iDataAgents - Full System Restore

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Recover the Oracle Database

Recover the MAXDB Database


The difference between a full (Oracle or MAXDB) database restore and a full system rebuild is the severity of the problem. Normally, if data is lost or removed, it is recovered from the archives using the restore options available from the SAP command line.

However, when a normal restore operation cannot correct a software and/or hardware corruption problem on the client system (such as a damaged or destroyed operating system, hardware, hard drives, etc.), some level of full system restore is required. For information, see the appropriate SAP documentation.

Recover the Oracle Database

Whenever the Oracle database is corrupted and a restore is required, both the Oracle application software and Oracle database must be restored. This can be achieved by performing the following steps.

To recover the Oracle database:

  1. Restore the Oracle application available under the <oracle install> directory using the File System iDataAgent.

  2. Restore the Oracle database files using the SAP command line. To this purpose, use the following general steps in the order presented.

    a) Ensure that the appropriate profiles exist, the profile names are defined appropriately, and the parameters are correctly set. Then use BRRESTORE to restore each required file (including the current summary log and current detail log) individually.

    b) Use BRRESTORE to completely restore the backup (i.e., reset the database to the last online or offline backup).

    c) Use BRRESTORE to restore the required offline redo log files from the BRARCHIVE tape.
    For complete instructions on restoring the Oracle database files, see the appropriate SAP documentation.

Recover the MAXDB Database

Whenever the MAXDB database is corrupted and a restore is required, both the MAXDB application software and MAXDB database must be restored. This can be achieved by performing the following steps.

To recover the MAXDB database:

  1. Build a secondary (destination) client machine (of a different name).
  2. Reinstall the SAP for MAXDB iDataAgent on the destination client.  Ensure that the database remains in ADMIN mode.
  3. Create a database instance.
  4. Install the Media Management SAP Agent/Backint program.
  5. Create the media types and the backint configuration file.
  6. Specify the source client in the parameter file.
  7. Restore the dbk.knl and dbm.ebf files by doing one of the following:
  8. Perform the required data and log restores to the destination client
    For complete instructions on restoring the MAXDB database files, see the appropriate SAP documentation.

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