Import Media - How To

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Import Media

Enable Automatic Media Discovery During Library Configuration

Enable (or Disable) Automatic Media Discovery

Discover Media from the CommCell Console

Discover a Specific Media Within a Library

Import Media

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

If you are not using a mail slot, be careful not to open the library door while media are mounted in drives within the library. In some library models (e.g., ATL 200, ATL 500) opening the door causes the library to unmount all media, even those that are in active use. This can cause database inconsistency and failure of the running job(s).
Inserting media in and closing the mail slots of some libraries may trigger a full inventory operation (rather than an inventory update).

To import media into a Tape or Optical library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library (or the scratch pool of the library) into which you want to import media, and then click Import Media from the short-cut menu.
    All the newly imported media will be automatically moved to the default scratch pool, if the Enable Auto-Discover Media into default scratch pool option is enabled in the Media tab of Library Properties dialog box, . Use the Move Media option to move the media to another scratch pool. If you have cleaning media make sure that you move it to the Cleaning Media pool.
  2. An Import Media prompt appears, advising you to do one of the following:
  3. A warning message is displayed to move cleaning media to cleaning media pool. Click OK.
  4. If the imported media were previously discovered, their barcodes are displayed in the library inventory in the right pane of the CommCell Browser. Otherwise, the media must be discovered.

Enable Automatic Media Discovery During Library Configuration

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To discover media within a library:

  1. Display the Library and Drive Configuration window.
  2. Detect the devices as described in one of the following:
  3. Configure the library as described in Configure Devices.

    During the configuration process,  if the library has a barcode reader, the Discover Media Options dialog box is displayed.

    Perform one of the following:

    If the library does not have a barcode reader, another Discover Media Options dialog box is displayed.

    Select the correct media type available in the library and then click OK.

Enable or Disable Automatic Media Discovery

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To enable automatic media discovery:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library for which you wish to enable automatic media discovery, and then click Properties.
  2. Click the Media Usage tab.
  3. From the Auto-Discovery of Media region, click Enable Auto-Discovery of Media into default scratch pool option. (Clear this check box to disable this option.)
  4. Select the default media type available in the library from the Default Media Type list.

    Note that the media available in a library must be compatible with the drives attached to the library.

  5. Click OK to save the changes.

    When you subsequently import media, the imported media is automatically moved to the default scratch pool.

Discover Media from the CommCell Console

You can use the following procedure to:

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To discover media within a library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the library whose media you want to discover, and then click Discover Media.
  2. If one or more new media are discovered, the system displays the Discover New Media dialog box and prompts you for media information.
  3. Select the hardware type of the new media from the New Media Type list and the scratch pool to which you want the media assigned from the Destination Scratch Pool list.
  4. The total number of undiscovered media available in the library is displayed in the No. of media in Free Media Pool field. Specify the number of media you would like to discover in the No. of media to be discovered field.
  5. Click OK.

You can also discover the media from the Library and Drive Configuration window. See Discover Media from the Library and Drive Configuration Window for more information.

Discover a Specific Media Within a Library

Required Capability: Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To discover a specific media within a library:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, locate the library whose media you want to discover in the Libraries level.
  2. Navigate to the Media in Library pool.

    All the media available in the library is displayed in the right-pane of the CommCell Console.

    Right-click the (undiscovered) media and then click Discover.

  3. From the Discover New Media dialog box, select the Media Type and Scratch Pool to which the media must be moved.
  4. Click OK.

The media is discovered and assigned to the specified scratch pool.