Erase Spare Media

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The erase spare media operation ensures that old data from removable media (tapes and optical platters) are not recoverable once the media is recycled. This is done as follows:

Only spare, retired and recycled media from tape and optical libraries can be erased. Note, however, that the erase media operation cannot be performed on magnetic and stand-alone drives. Once a media is erased by this operation, data cannot be retrieved using Media Explorer.

Note that the Erase Spare Media operation will not erase the following data:

The Erase Media operation is a low priority job, and is displayed in the Job Controller window. It can be killed, if necessary.

Marking Media as Erasable

The first step in erasing spare media is to ensure that the media is marked for erase, when the media is recycled. This can be done from the Media tab of the Storage Policy Copy dialog box.

Enable the Mark Media on to be Erased After Recycling option to mark the media as erasable, once all the data in the media is pruned and the media is recycled.

Initiating a Spare Media Erase Operation

The Erase Spare Media operation erases spare media that are marked as erasable by a storage policy copy. This operation can be performed immediately or scheduled. This can be done from the Erase Spare Media dialog box.

All spare media that are marked as erasable and available within the library are displayed in this dialog box.

Erasing Spare or Retired Media

A specific spare or an retired media can also be erased immediately from the CommCell Console. This can be by done by the selecting the Erase Media option for the media.

More than one spare or retired media can be erased in a single operation by selecting multiple spare media and choose the Erase Media option for the selected media.

Alerts and Reports

Several alerts and reports can be established for the Erase Media operation. See Alerts and Monitoring for more information.

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