SRM Exchange Agent Reports

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Several reports are available for Microsoft Exchange. The following table enumerates them, along with a short description. It also indicates whether an Analysis level Data Collection Job is required to produce complete and accurate data for each report.

For step-by-step instructions, see Run/Schedule a Report.

Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Exchange Subclients Total size and count of mailboxes and public folders on each Exchange Server, per subclient. Use this report to determine the distribution of data across subclients and to assess the current utilization. Yes
Mailbox Distribution by Message Count Categorized count and size of mailboxes according to the number of messages present. For each category, you can see the number of mailboxes and the total size consumed. Use this report in conjunction with Mailbox Distribution by Size to identify excessively large mailboxes and develop policies for migration archiving tools such as Exchange Mailbox Archiver. Yes
Mailbox Distribution by Size Categorized count of mailboxes present on each Exchange Server, according to the size of each mailbox. The categories are based on a logarithmic scale (0-100KB, 100KB-1MB, etc.) For each category, displays the number of mailboxes and the total space consumed by mailboxes in that category. This information may help you to determine how to distribute mailboxes among storage groups, plan for backup windows, etc. Yes
Mailbox Store History Store size and mount status from past data collections, tracking the growth of each Mailbox Store over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future growth patterns for capacity planning. No
Mailbox Stores Store size, mount status, quotas, and database file locations; compares the relative sizes of the Mailbox Stores in your enterprise. Use it to identify Stores that might benefit from a redistribution of mailboxes, or simply to estimate current storage and backup requirements. No
Mailboxes Size, item count, and name for all mailboxes on an Exchange Server. This report can be very large, so typically you will want to apply filters in the Report Viewer window. If you are using Exchange Mailbox Archiver, the count of messages archived for all mailboxes on an Exchange Server, and the archived space saved is also provided. Use it to measure the effectiveness of the Exchange Mailbox Archiver, and to determine how many messages in each mailbox store have been archived to near-line storage. Yes
Message Distribution by Age Categorized count and size of messages per mailbox according to the date each was received. The categories are based on a progressive scale (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.) Use this report to identify mailboxes containing outdated messages, or to develop policies for migration archiving tools such as Exchange Mailbox Archiver. Yes
Message Distribution by Attached File Type Categorized count and size of messages per mailbox according to the file types of attachments they contain, if any. For each category you can see the number of messages containing the attached file type, and how much total space is consumed by such messages. Note that messages containing multiple attachments may be counted in more than one category, if the attached file types are different. Use this report to locate messages with attached file types that consume excessive storage on the server (e.g. multimedia) or pose a security hazard (e.g. executables.) Yes
Public Folder Distribution by Size Categorized count of Public Folders present on each Exchange Server, according to the size of each. The categories are based on a logarithmic scale (0-100KB, 100KB-1MB, etc.) For each category, displays the number of Public Folders and the total space consumed by Public Folders in that category. This information may help you to determine how to distribute Public Folders among storage groups, plan for backup windows, etc. Yes
Public Folder Object Distribution by Modification Age Categorized count and size of objects per Public Folder according to the date each was last modified. The categories are based on a progressive scale (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.) Use this report to identify Public Folders containing outdated objects. Yes
Public Folder Object Distribution by Type Categorized count and size of objects per Public Folder according to the types of objects they contain, if any. For each category you can see the number of objects, and how much total space is consumed by this type of object. Note that Public Folders containing multiple objects may be counted in more than one category, if the object types are different. Use this report to locate object types that consume excessive storage on the server (e.g. multimedia) or pose a security hazard (e.g. executables.) Yes
Public Folders Size, item count, and name for all Public Folders on an Exchange Server. This report can be very large, so typically you will want to apply filters in the Report Viewer window. Yes
Public Store History Store size and mount status from past data collections, tracking the growth of each Public Store over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future capacity requirements. No
Public Stores Store size, mount status, quotas, database file locations, and folder tree associations; compares the relative sizes and other characteristics of the Public Stores present in your enterprise. Use it to estimate current storage and backup requirements, or to identify Stores that might benefit from a redistribution of folders. No
Server Information Exchange server name, directory server name, Exchange version, message tracking setting. You can apply filters in the Report Viewer to group servers according to Administration Group, Domain (Directory Server Name), or other characteristics. No
Storage Group History Storage group size from past data collections, tracking the growth of each Storage Group over time. Use the optional Trending feature to predict future capacity requirements. No
Storage Groups Log and system file locations, circular logging settings, zero database page settings, and store count; compares the relative sizes and other characteristics of the Storage Groups in your enterprise. Use it to determine current storage requirements or estimate backup windows. No

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