SRM NAS Agent Reports

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Several reports are available for NAS File Servers, which are categorized as follows:

The following table enumerates the reports, along with a short description. It also indicates whether an Analysis level Data Collection Job is required to produce complete and accurate data for each report.

For step-by-step instructions, see Run/Schedule a Report.


Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Aggregate Volumes Capacity History [NetApp] Historical view of capacity of all aggregate volumes (total, used, free), %used, and includes aggregate name and type (traditional or aggregate). Similar to Aggregate Volumes Current Capacity [NetApp] report, but tracks changes in free and used space over time. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
Aggregate Volumes Current Capacity [NetApp] Capacity of all aggregate volumes (total, used, free) and includes aggregate name and type (traditional or aggregate). Use to report on current capacity of a NetApp filer. No
Aggregate Volumes Virtual Capacity [NetApp] A list of aggregate volumes on NAS filers that displays used space, and total, virtual, and remaining capacity for each aggregate. Use to identify overcommitted aggregate volumes with virtual capacity that exceeds physical capacity. No
File Distribution by Access Time by vFiler [NetApp] For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per vFiler based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify file systems, on a per vFiler basis, with many unused files; these are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for Windows Agent. Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time by vFiler [NetApp] For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per vFiler based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify file systems, on a per vFiler basis, which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files). Yes
File Distribution by Size by vFiler [NetApp] Files in each NAS file server, per vFiler, by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system or RAID parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Type by vFiler [NetApp] Files on each vFiler by File Category. Use it to identify vFilers with many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Systems Current Capacity [NetApp] File system capacity on each logical and aggregate volume of NetApp filer, and aggregate capacity on each filer level -- total, used, free, %used, %free space. The report includes flexible logical volumes contained in the aggregate and traditional logical volumes.  Use it to identify logical volumes that require additional storage. No
Qtrees [NetApp] A list of Qtrees on NetApp filers and their properties. That includes Qtrees on the logical volume level. Properties show qtree security style (Unix, NTFS, or Mixed), and whether Opportunistic Locking is enabled.  No
RAID Disks [NetApp] A list of RAID disks on NAS filers that displays disk volume, pool the disk is in, RPM (5400, 7200, 10000, 15000 or N/A), checksum compatibility (zoned, zoned/block, or none), disk size in bytes, and RAID state (e.g., partner, broken, zeroing, spare, copy, pending, reconstructing, present, etc.) for each. Use to identify spare disks, which are disks not currently used in any aggregate, and disk parameters. No
Snapshots [NetApp] Describes the volume snapshots present on NetApp filers. Displays the logical volume, snapshot name, date snapshot was created, snapshot status (normal or busy), and cumulative/incremental used and total spaces. Used space is expressed as a % of overall spaced used on the volume. Total space is expressed as a % of total volume size. Cumulative space is calculated from spaces of all snapshots, including this one. Incremental space is based on space of only this snapshot. No
vFilers [NetApp] Lists vFilers of NetApp filers with MultiStore license. Displays the vFiler name, vFiler status (running, stopped, inconsistent, defunct), indication of whether the vFiler is default vFiler, and IPspace to which the vFiler belongs. No
vFilers Current Used Space [NetApp] Lists the amount of used space (in MB) for each vFiler. Used space is calculated as the amount of space used by the vFiler's storage resources (logical volumes and Qtrees). Yes
vFilers Used Space History [NetApp] Historical view of used space for all vFilers. Similar to vFilers Current Used Space [NetApp] report, but tracks changes in used space over time. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. Yes


EMC Celerra

Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Checkpoints [Celerra] Lists the File System checkpoints that are present on an EMC Celerra. Displays the control station name, production file system, checkpoint name, name of SnapSure SavVol, when checkpoint was created, percentage of SavVol space used by checkpoints, status showing whether checkpoint is being used, and full mark SavVol-usage point (when reached, sends a warning message to system log and auto-extends the SavVol as space permits). No
Data Movers [Celerra] Lists the physical Data Movers that are present on an EMC Celerra. Displays type of Data Mover (NAS, Standby, RDF), its role (primary or standby; primary Data Mover must have NAS type and standby can be Standby or RDF), model, status (enabled or disabled), OS version, failover policy of primary Data Mover (n/a, local, auto, retry), and date of last reboot. No
Disk Volumes [Celerra] Lists the disk volumes that are present on an EMC Celerra. It identifies disks not currently used by any Meta Volume that are created by an administrator or by AVM. Displays the name of control station, name, type, and capacity of disk volume, and if the disk volume is in use. No
File Distribution by Access Time by VDM [Celerra] Files in each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per VDM based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per VDM basis, with many unused files. These are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for Windows Agent.  Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time by VDM [Celerra] Files in each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per VDM based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per VDM basis, which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files). Yes
File Distribution by Size by VDM [Celerra] Files in each NAS file server, per VDM, by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system or RAID parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Type by VDM [Celerra] Files in each NAS file server, per VDM, by File Type. Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per VDM basis, that contain many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Systems Current Capacity [Celerra] File system capacity on each EMC file system and Storage Pool of Celerra, and aggregate capacity on each Celerra level -- total, used, free, %used, %free space. The report includes EMC file systems contained in the Storage Pool and EMC file systems created from Meta Volumes. Use it to identify EMC file systems that require additional storage. No
Metavolumes [Celerra] Lists the Meta Volumes and Pool volumes that are present on an EMC Celerra. Displays the control station name, name and capacity of the volume, type and name of volume's client (volume or File System). Meta Volumes that have no clients are not listed. No
Quota Configuration [Celerra] Displays quota configurations of file systems and quota trees on an EMC Celerra. Displays the file system, quota tree path, quota policy (blocks or filesize), user and group quotas (on or off), block and inode grace periods (time when users/groups can exceed soft limits before hard-limit behavior takes effect), user and group block soft and hard limits, user and group inode soft and hard limits, deny disk space state to enforce hard user or group quotas; not applicable to quota tree quotas (enable or disable), state of logging of system events when a hard or soft block limit is reached (enable or disable), logging of system events when quota checks starts or ends (enable or disable). No
Quota Trees [Celerra] Lists the Quota Trees that are present on an EMC Celerra. Displays the control station name, name of file system, and quota tree path. No
Storage Pools Capacity History [Celerra] Historical view of capacity of all storage pools (total, used, free), and remaining potential capacity. Similar to Storage Pools Current Capacity [Celerra] report, but tracks changes in free and used space over time. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
Storage Pools Current Capacity [Celerra] Displays storage pool name, type (system-defined or user-defined), automatic extension, obtain unused disk volumes, current capacity (total, used, free), and remaining potential capacity (available space that can be added to the storage pool) of an EMC Celerra. Use to report on current capacity of a storage pool. No
Storage Pools Virtual Capacity [Celerra] A list of system-defined storage pools of an EMC Celerra that displays used space, total capacity, virtual capacity (sum of max capacity of file systems created from this storage pool), and remaining capacity (aggregate of unused disk and non-disk volumes), remaining post-committed (remaining capacity of storage pool after virtual capacity is fully used; can be negative when there is not enough remaining capacity to fulfill storage commitment), and percent committed (% of virtual capacity relative to physical capacity). Use to identify the storage pools with virtual capacity that exceeds physical capacity. No
VDM Capacity History [Celerra] Historical view of capacity of all file systems (total, used, free) mounted on VDMs of an EMC Celerra. Similar to VDM File Systems Current Capacity [Celerra] report, but tracks changes in free and used space over time. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning No
VDM File Systems Current Capacity [Celerra] Capacity of all file systems (total, used, free) mounted on VDMs of an EMC Celerra, including file systems created from Storage Pool and from Meta Volume. For each VDM File System displays File System name, total space, used space, free space, % of file system currently in use and the % that is free is displayed. For file systems created from Storage Pool displays Storage Pool name and type (for file systems created form Storage Pool), total space, used space, free space, and percent used and percent free. Use to report on current capacity of file systems mounted on VDMs. No
Virtual Data Movers [Celerra] Lists the VDMs that are present on an EMC Celerra. Displays the physical data mover that hosts it and its status (enabled or disabled). No


Vendor Independent

Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Capacity History Historical view of space (total, used, free), %used, %free per Enterprise, Client Group, and Filer that is attached to this client. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
CIFS Statistics Lists the various CIFS request types that have been processed since the last time CIFS services were restarted on the NAS file server (NetApp), Data Mover (EMC Celerra), or VDM (Celerra). No
Current File System Usage by Subclient Space used per subclient on each NAS file server. Use it to analyze NAS file server usage patterns, on a per subclient basis. Yes
Exchange Personal Folders Shows file statistics for Exchange PST files. Displays number of PST files, total average, and max file size of the PST files. Yes
File Distribution by Access Time For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify file systems with many unused files; these are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for Windows Agent. Yes
File Distribution by Access Time by Subclient For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per subclient based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per subclient basis, with many unused files; these are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for Windows Agent. Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify file systems which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files.) Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time by Subclient For each NAS file server and file system, categorization of files per subclient based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per subclient basis, which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files.) Yes
File Distribution by Size Files for each NAS file server and file system, categorized by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Size by Subclient Files in each NAS file server, per subclient, by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system or RAID parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Type Files for each NAS file server by File Category. Use it to identify NAS file servers that contain many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Distribution by Type by Subclient Files in each NAS file server, per subclient, by File Category. Use it to identify NAS file servers, on a per VDM basis, that contain many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Shares For each NAS file server, share name, path, space used by each share, and total space on hosting storage (e.g., logical volume, aggregate volume), and file system protocol (CIFS, NFS). Yes and No*
File System Usage by User Group per File System Summarizes file system usage, highlighting the usage patterns of different user groups and NAS file servers on a per-file system basis. Use this report to identify heavy disk consumers for capacity management and planning purposes. Yes
File System Usage by User per File System Summarizes file system usage, highlighting the usage patterns of different users and NAS file servers on a per-file system basis. Use this report to identify heavy disk consumers for capacity management and planning purposes. Yes
File Systems Capacity History Historical view of space (total, used, free), %used, %free per Enterprise, Client Group, and Filer that is attached to this client. Similar to File Systems Current Capacity [NetApp] or File Systems Current Capacity [Celerra] report, but tracks changes in used, available space, and spare/unused capacity over time. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
Filers A list of NAS filers (NetApp filers and EMC Celerra) and their properties. Displays NAS file servers' operating system, firmware version, model number, and type. Use filters to group NAS file servers by important characteristics, such as OS or type. No
Files by Extension Displays file statistics for each file extension of non-directory files that are collected on NAS filers. Statistics for other files are displayed. Each file extension and the number of files with that extension are displayed, as well as the total and average file size. Yes
Junk Files Displays a list of files with junk file extensions. Report includes properties of these files, such as client group, filer, group, owner, file system, file name, and details. Yes
Largest Files Displays a list of largest files based on their size. Report includes properties of these files, such as client group, filer, group, owner, file system, file name, and details. Yes
Least Recently Used Files Displays a list of files that are least recently used based on their access time. Report includes properties of these files, such as client group, filer, group, owner, file system, file name, and details. Yes
NFS v2 Read Distribution by Size The distribution, by size, of NFS Read requests processed by each NAS filer (NetApp). No
NFS v2 Statistics Enumerates the various NFS v2 request types that have been processed since the last time NFS services were restarted on the NAS filer (NetApp) or Data Mover (EMC Celerra). No
NFS v2 Write Distribution by Size The distribution, by size, of NFS v2 Write requests processed by each NAS filer (NetApp). No
NFS v3 Read Distribution by Size The distribution, by size, of NFS v3 Read requests processed by each NAS filer (NetApp). No
NFS v3 Statistics Enumerates the various NFS v3 request types that have been processed since the last time NFS services were restarted on the NAS filer (NetApp) or Data Mover (EMC Celerra). No
NFS v3 Write Distribution by Size The distribution, by size, of NFS v3 Write requests processed by each NAS filer (NetApp). No
Oldest Files Displays a list of oldest files that are based on their access time. Report includes properties of these files, such as client group, filer, group, owner, file system, file name, and details. Yes
Prohibited Files Displays a list of files with prohibited file extensions. Report includes properties of these files, such as client group, filer, group, owner, file system, file name, and details. Yes
Quotas A list of quotas configured on NAS filers. Quotas are defined per logical volume or qtrees (NetApp), per file system or quota tree (EMC Celerra), type, scope, default quota for all users and groups, disk space soft and hard limits, percent used, space remaining, disk space threshold, file count soft and hard limits, and files used. No

* A Discovery level Data Collection Job is adequate to produce a complete File Shares report, but if a report for used space on the subclient with content residing on that share is desired, then an Analysis level Data Collection Job is required.

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