SRM NetWare Proxy Agent Reports

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Several reports are available for NetWare File Systems. The following table enumerates them, along with a short description. It also shows whether an Analysis level Data Collection Job is required to produce complete and accurate data for each report.

For step-by-step instructions, see Run/Schedule a Report.

Report Name  Description Is Analysis level Data Collection Required?
Current Volume Usage by Subclient Categorized by File System and Volume based on subclient usage - Space Used, File Count, Directory Count. Use it to analyze file system space utilization, on a per subclient basis, as well as the number of files and directories on each volume. Yes
Devices Space on each device -- total, used, free, %used, %free space. Use this report to plan and manage the allocation of device space. No
Data Archiver Return on Investment For each Billable Entity, displays the disk space saved and the cost saved by using DataArchiver, as well as total file size, Archived file size, DataArchiver stub file size, and what the total cost of archiving would be without using DataArchiver. Use the information in this report to help calculate DataArchiver's return on investment. No
Exchange Personal Folders Shows file statistics for Exchange PST files. Displays number of PST files, total average, and max file size of the PST files. Yes
File Distribution by Access Time For each file system and each computer, categorization of files based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify file systems with many unused files; these are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for NetWare. Yes
File Distribution by Access Time by Subclient For each file system and each computer, categorization of files per subclient based on their size and age (by last access time). Use it to identify file systems, on a per subclient basis, with many unused files; these are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for NetWare. Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time For each file system and each computer, categorization of files based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify file systems which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files.) Yes
File Distribution by Modification Time by Subclient For each file system and each computer, categorization of files per subclient based on their size and age (by modification time). Use it to identify file systems, on a per subclient basis, which should be backed up frequently (i.e., those with many recently modified files.) Yes
File Distribution by Size Files in each file system by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system or RAID parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Size by Subclient Files in each file system, per subclient, categorized by size. This information may be useful when tuning file system or RAID parameters (such as block size), or when planning for backups. Yes
File Distribution by Type Files in each file system by File Category. Use it to identify file systems that contain many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Distribution by Type by Subclient Files in each file system, per subclient, by File Category. Use it to identify file systems, on a per subclient basis, that contain many multimedia, archive, or document files or applications (e.g., executables). Yes
File Distribution by User Total, average, maximum file size by individual user; aggregated for all clients on the SRM Server. Use it to identify the major consumers of storage for capacity management and planning purposes. Yes
Files by Extension For the files per computer, each file extension that is used and the number of files that include each file extension. For the files with each extension as well as all the affected files, the total file size, average file size, and the size of the largest file are also provided. Yes
Largest Files 10 largest files per volume, per subclient, for each NetWare server. Use it to identify exceptionally large files for investigation and/or removal (e.g. crash dumps, large downloads). Yes
Least Recently Used Files 10 least recently used files per volume, per subclient for each NetWare server, based on a combination of the last access (read) and modification (write) times. The least recently used files are good candidates for migration archiving tools such as File Archiver for NetWare. Yes
Partitions Partition capacity, disk and partition number, blocks, and disk partition type of each physical disk partition found on the SRM clients.

Use filters to group the available partitions by size (e.g., when configuring volume pools for tools such as Quick Recovery Agent) or partition type.

Pools Attributes, Total Capacity, Space Free, Space Used, Percent Free, and Percent Used, characterized by pool. Use this report to monitor pool space usage. No
Prohibited Files Files of types commonly proscribed in corporate environments (MP3, wav, gif, jpeg, mpeg, and qt) per volume, per subclient, for each NetWare server. (Maximum of 500 will be reported.) The list of prohibited types is a configurable File Category for this agent. Use it to identify hidden caches of wasted disk space. Yes
Server Capacity History Historical view of space on each NetWare Server that is attached to this client (total, used, free), %used, %free space. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
Servers For each NetWare server, maximum allowable hard disk space, Space Free, Space Used, Percent Free, and Percent Used. Use this report to manage server disk space usage. No
User Quotas For each NetWare User by computer, maximum allowable hard/soft disk space per disk and maximum allowable hard/soft number of files per file system. Use this report to plan and manage the allocation of disk space and file systems. No
Volume Capacity History Historical view of space on each volume that is attached to this client (total, used, free), %used, %free space. Use to predict future use patterns for capacity planning. No
Volumes Summarizes volume usage, highlighting the usage patterns of different users. Use this report to identify heavy disk consumers for capacity management and planning purposes. No


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