Creating and Mounting a VSS Hardware Shadow of a Subclient

You can create and mount a VSS hardware shadow of a subclient (QR volume) in one task. Or you can create the snapshot first, and then use browse to import (mount) it.

Transportable shadows must be imported (mounted) if you want to perform other operations on them, such as a traditional backup, after shadow creation.

Create and Mount a VSS Hardware Shadow in One Procedure

Create a VSS Transportable Shadow

Import (Mount) the VSS Transportable Shadow from QR Browse

Create and Mount a VSS Hardware Shadow in One Procedure

Use the following procedure to create and mount a VSS Transportable shadow with the Quick Recovery Agent.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create and mount a transportable shadow of a selected subclient in one task:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient that you want to snap and then click Create QR Volume(s).   
  2. From the QR Volume Creation window, select when you want to run the job.
  3. Select the Snapshot and Make shadow transportable options.
  4. To mount the shadow after creation, select the Import Shadow option then click Source-Destination Map.
  5. Select the Import Host from the drop-down list; this is where the shadow will be mounted.
  6. In the Enter destination mount points field, enter the destination mount point for the source volume. If your subclient contains multiple source volumes, provide a mount point for each volume.
  7. If you want to make the shadow writable, select the Make Snapshot Writable box.
  8. After making your desired selections, click OK to close the Import Snapshot dialog.
  9. After ensuring that you have selected your desired options, click OK to close the QR Volume Creation dialog.
    Be sure to set the Schedule Details if required.
  10. When the shadow has been created/imported, Job Controller will display Completed.

Create a VSS Transportable Shadow

Use the following procedure to create a VSS transportable shadow with the Quick Recovery Agent.

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To create a transportable shadow of a selected subclient:

  1. From the CommCell Browser, right-click the subclient that you want to snap and then click Create QR Volume(s).   
  2. From the QR Volume Creation window, select when you want to run the job.
  3. Select the Snapshot and Make shadow transportable options.
  4. After selecting the desired options, click OK close the QR Volume Creation dialog. Set the Schedule Details if required.
  5. When the shadow has been created, Job Controller will display Completed.

Import (Mount) the VSS Transportable Shadow from QR Browse

Required Capability: See Capabilities and Permitted Actions

To import (mount) a transportable shadow of a selected subclient using QR browse:

  1. In the CommCell browser, right-click QR Agent for the client for which you created VSS snaps.
  2. Click All Tasks > Browse to open the QR Volume browser.
  3. Right-click the snap and select Import VSS Shadow. (If you select one in the group, the entire group will show up.)
  4. Select the Import Host from the drop-down list; this is where the shadow(s) will be mounted.
  5. In the Enter destination mount points field, enter the destination mount point for the source volume. These mount points must be free on the import host. If your subclient contains multiple source volumes, provide a mount point for each volume.
  6. If you want to make the shadow writable, select the Make Snapshot Writable box.
  7. After making your desired selections, click OK to close the Import Snapshot dialog.
  8. After ensuring that you have selected your desired options, click OK to close the QR Browse window.
  9. When the shadow has been imported, Job Controller will display Completed.