Third-Party Command Line Operations

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Important Considerations

Miscellaneous Issues


Besides running data protection and data recovery operations from the CommCell Console, you can use the third-party command line to run such operations for the following Agents:

Moreover, such operations for the SAP for Oracle and SAP for MAXDB iDataAgents can currently be run only from the third-party command line.

Be sure to consult the documentation for your product for information on running third-party command line operations.

Generally, the various CommServe job-reporting windows and job reports (including, e.g., Job Manager, Job Controller, Backup Job History report) provide details for third-party command line operations that are similar to those details provided for such operations run from the CommCell Console. The following section provides some exceptions in this regard.

Important Considerations

Consider the following while executing third party commands:


where <database name> is the name of the DB2 database (e.g., dbfirst) and<software install path> is the install path for the agent software (e.g., level1/install).

For a DB2 restore, run the appropriate DB2 third-party command per the following:

where <database name> is the name of the DB2 database (e.g., dbfirst);<software install path> is the install path for the agent software (e.g., level1/install); and <backup image date> is the date of the backup image in the following format: "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" (e.g., 20070612120426).>

After a restore, if you need to roll forward the DB2 database, run the following command:

db2 rollforward db <database name> to end of logs and complete

For more information on the db2 backup command or the db2 restore command, see the appropriate DB2 documentation.


For DB2 DPF, the following options are available:


Oracle and Oracle RAC

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CvInstanceName=instancename),BLKSIZE=32768";

Also, for Oracle9i, if you perform a backup job using the default block size value from the CommCell Console , you need to specify the same block size value for the corresponding third party command line restore operation. This is because, the default block size value used by the Oracle iDataAgent in the CommCell Console is 262144, whereas the default block size value used by Oracle9i RMAN is 65536. Hence, if you run a third party command line restore for Oracle9i without specifying the block size, the restore fails. In such cases, specify the block size as follows:

allocate channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS=" SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/, ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CvInstanceName=instancename),BLKSIZE=262144";

However, in the case of Oracle10g, if the backup job (performed from the CommCell Console) used the default block size value, and you perform a third party command line restore operation without specifying the block size, the restore will succeed since the default block size value for Oracle iDataAgent and Oracle10g RMAN is the same (i.e., 262144).

allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type 'sbt_tape'

PARMS="SBT_LIBRARY=<software install path>/Base/,BLKSIZE=262144,ENV=(CvClientName=clientname,CVOraRacDBClientName=RACDBsrcClientName,CvInstanceName=instancename,CVOraRacDBName=databasename)" TRACE 2; duplicate target database to <databasename>;

where, RACDBsrcClientName is the physical client name on which the RAC database runs.