Field Certified Platforms

This platform was field certified in software version 7.0.0.

If you are running another software version, contact your software provider for information on whether this platform is supported.

Frequently Asked Questions

The platform was field certified in the software release I want to use

In this scenario, field certification was completed for this platform by a customer running the same software version. You can run the software on this platform provided your environment matches the environment used to certify the platform. Contact your software provider to confirm your environment will support the platform.

The platform was field certified in a software release prior to the release I want to use, or I am upgrading to a software release for which support for the field certified platform is not listed

Contact your software provider prior to deploying or upgrading your software to determine the risks involved in using the software with the given platform.

In cases where minimal risk is perceived in supporting the platform for the release you are using or upgrading to, your software provider may be able to automatically renew support for the platform. In such cases, report your experiences in deploying or upgrading the software on the platform to your software provider so that the platform can be included in System Requirements.

In cases where a significant risk is perceived due to changes in the software between releases, the platform may require a new field certification in the release you are using or upgrading to before the platform can be included in System Requirements.

The platform is listed as field certified for a newer software release than the release I want to use

It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your existing software version to the release for which support for the field certified platform is listed. If you are unable to upgrade your current software, you must perform a new field certification for the platform using your current software. Note that all End of Life timetables scheduled for your software will apply.