Install the CommNet Server and Database Engine on Separate Computers


The CommNet Server and the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine can be installed on separate computers.

The following sections describe the steps for building such a topology. Note that these procedures require familiarity and understanding of both the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine and the Windows operating system.

The following procedure can be used:

  • When you initially install the software, or
  • When you wish to split an existing CommNet Server


Review the following requirements before setting up the CommNet Server and the Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine on separate computers:
  • Two computers that can host the CommNet Server and the database engine.
  • A reliable and fast network connection between these two computers.
  • CreateSQLAccount utility from the Resource Pack. This tool/utility is included in the Resource Pack available in Maintenance Advantage Web site. Download the latest version before using the tool/utility.


Installing the Necessary Software

1. If you are installing a new CommNet Server, install the CommNet Server software on the computer that will host the CommNet Server. (Referred to as the CommNet Server computer in the subsequent steps.)

This step is not necessary if you already have a CommNet Server running on this computer.

See Install the CommNet Server for step-by-step instructions.
2. Install Microsoft SQL Server with the appropriate Service Pack on the computer that will host the Database Engine. (Referred to as the SQL Server computer in the subsequent steps.)

See System Requirements - CommNet Server for more information on the SQL Server version.

See Pre-Installing SQL Database for CommNet Server or Pre-Installing SQL Database for CommNet Server - Clustered Environment - Virtual Server for step-by-step instructions.

Moving the Database

3. Stop all services on the CommNet Server computer. See Stop CommNet Server Services for step-by-step instructions.
4. In the CommNet Server computer, using the SQL Server Management Studio, backup the Calypso Monitor database and create a .dmp file. See the SQL Server Management Studio help for information on creating the dump file.
5. Perform this step if you wish to free-up the memory associated with SQL Services.

Remove the dependencies from SQL Services and then stop and disable SQL Services on the CommNet Server computer.

Reboot the computer.

To remove the dependencies:
  1. Start Regedit.exe
  2. Navigate to the following key:


  3. Remove BullCalypso entry from the DependOnService multi string value.

    Note that the value for the DependOnService depends on the installed instance and may be different on a clustered computer.


To stop and disable the services:

  1. Open the Services window from Administrative Tools in Windows Control Panel.
  2. Right click the BullCalypso service and then click Properties.

    Note that the name of the service depends on the installed instance and may be different on a clustered computer.

  3. Select the Disabled option from the Startup Type list.
  4. Click the Stop button.
6. In the SQL Server computer, using the SQL Server Management Studio, restore the Calypso Monitor database. See the SQL Server Management Studio help for information on restoring a database.
7. In the CommNet Server computer, open the Registry Editor and  navigate to the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CommVault Systems\QNet\ControlSet001(MachineName)\Database

Edit the following values:

sCONNECTION set it to <SQL Server computer>_qnet

sDOMAIN set it to <SQL Server computer>

sINSTANCE set it to <SQL Server computer>\BullCalypso

Note that the name of the instance depends on the installed instance and may be different on a clustered computer.

See Windows help for information on opening and editing registry keys.

Setting up the SQL Server Account

8. From the Resource Pack copy the CreateSQLAccount utility to the CommNet Server computer. The utility is available in the following location in the Resource Pack:


The utility must be copied to the following location in the CommNet Server computer:


9. In the CommNet Server computer, run the CreateSQLAccount utility and create the SQL Server System Administrator account and password that will be used to access the SQL database. For information on how to run this utility, see Readme_CreateSQLAccount.txt available in the Resource Pack.

Changing DSN Settings

10. In the CommNet Server computer, modify the DSN Settings for the Calypso Monitor database to point to the database in the SQL Server computer.
  1. Open Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Click the System DEN tab.
  3. Click <SQL Server computer>_qnet and then click Configure.
  4. Edit the following values:

    Name -  set it to <SQL Server computer>_qnet

    Server - set it to <SQL Server computer>\BullCalypso

  5. Click Next.
  6. Choose the With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user option.
  7. Select the Connect to SQL Server to obtain default settings for the additional configuration options check box and enter the login and password that you created using the CreateSQLAccount utility.
  8. Click Next twice and then click Finish. (Nothing needs to be changed on these dialog boxes.)
  9. Click Test Data Source.

    The result should be TEST COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY.

    If not make sure SQL server on the SQL Server computer is accessible and the login information given are correct.

11. Restart the services on the CommNet Server computer. See Start CommNet Server Services for  step-by-step instructions.

Protecting the database

12. Protect the SQL Server.
  1. Install the iDataAgent for SQL Server on the SQL Server computer. The SQL iDataAgent can be a client on any CommCell.
  2. Schedule regular backups of the CommNet Server database, using the SQL iDataAgent.
  3. Monitor these scheduled backups and ensure that they successfully back up the data.