Uninstall the Software

Click on a link below to go to a specific section of the software uninstall:

Before You Begin

  • When uninstalling the CommNet Server, close any open user connections to the CommNet Server database (through either SQL Analyzer, SQL Server Management Studio, isql, osql, etc.) If there are any open connections the uninstaller may not be able to delete the CommNet Server database.
  • Verify that no jobs are in progress or scheduled to occur while the software is being uninstalled. If jobs are scheduled, either perform the uninstall at another time or disable the jobs.
  • Verify that the CommNet Browser is closed.
  • Ensure that no Books are open in the Adobe Acrobat reader when uninstalling the Books Online.

Uninstall Procedure

Getting Started

1. Log on to the computer as the local Administrator or as a member of the local Administrators group on that computer. For clustered computers, log on as Domain User with administrative privileges to all nodes in the cluster.  

Open the Add/Remove Programs icon in the system’s Control Panel.


From the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, select the software component to be uninstalled and click Remove to uninstall the application.


  • Components should be uninstalled in the following order:
    • Books Online
    • CommNet Browser
    • CommNet Explorer
    • CommNet Agent
    • CommNet Server SNMP Enabler
    • CommNet Server

A confirmation message is displayed about the removal.

Click Yes to uninstall the application.


CommNet Server, CommNet Agent and CommNet Explorer Uninstall Only

5. Specify password for the SQL user sa.

Enter/Confirm Password - Enter and then confirm the password for the SQL user sa.

Click Next to continue.


When uninstalling the CommNet Agent, the install program warns that uninstalling the software will deactivate the agent from the CommNet Server.

Click Yes to continue.


If the CommCell has been configured for agent authentication, you will be required to enter the username and password information for an external domain user account or a CommCell user account. This authorizes the install/uninstall of an agent on the CommCell.

File Cleanup


You may receive one or more prompts to delete shared files.

Click Yes or Yes to All to continue.


This completes the uninstall of the selected component.

Repeat this process for each software component you want to uninstall.