Client Summary

Use this window to obtain information about the Client computer, the applications that are installed on this client, and information on the primary and secondary storage data of the client. You can view information on primary storage if the client is part of a QSMCell, and you can view information on secondary storage if the client is part of a CommCell.

For primary storage, you can obtain information on the data that is stored on each QSM client as reported by the installed QSM Agent(s).

For secondary storage, you can obtain information on data protection information by subclient/DataClassSet. You can also obtain information regarding the data available on different storage policy copies per subclient/DataClassSet.

On the CommCell Clients window, the total number of reachable and not reachable clients is displayed.

On the QSMCell Clients window, information regarding the total space used and available on each client is displayed.


This section displays the following information:

CommCell specific information:

You can determine the Q-Factor calculations for this client by clicking the Client Q-Factor Report hyperlink.

QSMCell specific information:

Information that is shared for both types of Cells:


The status of a client (whether it is reachable from the CommCell) is obtained every 24-hours by default; therefore, this report may not reflect the actual current status of the client. The time period interval at which the status of the client is obtained can be reconfigured on the CommServe.

Primary Storage Information

This section provides information about the QSM clients that are part of the QSMCell, once data collection has been performed by the QSM Server and the CommNet Server has performed data collection from the QSM Server. The amount of data that is stored on each client is included, in addition to the amount of data that is free, and the amount of space used on each client. Additionally, a time stamp that is based on the latest information reported by the QSM Server is displayed. This time stamp represents the last time the QSM Server collected data from this QSM Client using (any of) the installed agents. Note, that for a QSM client with multiple agents installed, some of the data shown on this summary may have been collected earlier.

The following specific information is available:

File System Logical Volumes

Use the bar graph to view the amount of data stored and free space on each logical volume as reported by a QSM File System client, as well as the Cost Category assigned to each. To see the Billable Entity associated with each logical volumes, run a Cell Based, Client Based Billing Association Report and look for the physical drive associated with this volume.

This information will not be available if the QSM Agent for File System is not installed on the client.

File System Agents

These tables provide details of the file system shares and subclients as reported by the QSM Agents for File System. Share details include the share name, local path, protocol and volume name. Subclient details include the billable entity association, space used, last successful data collection time, content paths, whether this is the default subclient, and whether data collection is enabled.

NAS Logical Volumes

The bar graph shows the amount of data stored and free space on each logical volume, and the table also shows the Cost Category assigned to each, as reported by the QSM Agent for NAS. Note that, unlike file system, a NAS logical volume can include more than one physical drive; the Cost Category is assigned to the entire logical volume.

NAS Shares/Subclients

This table provides information on subclient details, such as billable entity association, space used, last successful data collection time, content paths, whether this is the default subclient, and whether data collection is enabled.

Exchange Agent

Use this list to view the details of the Exchange mailbox and public folder stores, and the associated Billable Entities, as reported by the QSM Agent for Exchange. Note that the Total Space Used column does not reflect the space used by log files. To see the Cost Category associated with the volume used by a particular store, refer to the File System Logical Volumes section of this Summary.

QSM Exchange Client costs are associated with subclients. Therefore, this report will display the Billable Entity in the Subclient table. Previous releases of QSM Exchange Client costs were based on storage, and therefore display the Billable Entity column in the Exchange Storage Group table.

NetWare Agent

These tables provide details of the NetWare volumes and subclients as reported by the QSM Agent for NetWare File System. Volume details include the pool name, volume name, space used, space limit, and whether the volume is mounted. Subclient details include the subclient name, billable entity association, space used, last successful data collection time, whether this is the default subclient, and whether data collection is enabled.

Note that if the Netware volume is not mounted, the total space used by the subclient may not add up to the volume usage by all volumes. In addition, NetWare clients cannot display primary and secondary storage information together.

Oracle Agent

This table provides detailed information about Oracle data files as reported by the QSM Agent for Oracle, such as database, instance, table space, and log file names, sizes, and locations, as well as the Billable Entities. The reported total log size is the sum of the log file sizes as reported by the instance's control file when it was last written.

To see the Cost Category associated with the volume used by a particular database, refer to the File System Logical Volumes section of this Summary. However, note that if the appropriate QSM File System Agent is not installed on the Oracle server, file system information will not be reported. In addition, if the database or log files are on a raw partition, size and space information will not be reported for the raw partition.

SQL Server Agent

This table provides detailed information about SQL data files as reported by the QSM Agent for SQL, such as database and log file names and locations, as well as the Billable Entities. To see the Cost Category associated with the volume used by a particular database, refer to the File System Logical Volumes section of this Summary.

SharePoint Agent

This table provides detailed information about SharePoint as reported by the QSM Agent for SharePoint, such as SharePoint Topology, Administrative (Configuration and SSO) and Content Databases, Virtual Servers, Site Collections (including their sizes), Subsites, and documents, as well as the Billable Entities.


Secondary Storage Information

If this client is part of a CommCell, this section provides a list of all applications installed on a client. The time that the CommNet Server last received an update from the CommCell is also included.

For each application, important information for all subclients is listed.

Subclient or DataClassSet Information

Use this list to:

For the Quick Recovery Agent, chart information differs slightly from that of other agents. These differences are due to the first Incremental volume update not being considered as full in the back up model and data protection only through Incremental volume updates. Hence, Days Elapsed since Last Full Coverage displays No Coverage, Full Protection Chart does not display for Quick Recovery, and the Full Data Protection chart and detail display No data protection activity found for this subclient.


Subclient or DataClassSet / Storage Policy Copy Relationship Information

Use this list to:


For some applications, the categorizing of data protection types into full and other non-full data protection operations is as follows: