Library Summary

Use this window to display a summary of the magnetic library.


This section displays the following information:

Mount Paths

This section provides important information on the mount path configured for the library. This includes the following:

Library Utilization

This section provides the trend for the amount of data written and read in the library over a period of time, using the Activity Qualifier Window, which is based on the settings in the Cell Configuration (Data Protection Window). This data can be viewed using daily, weekly, or monthly frequency based on the selected frequency period.

This section will help you to determine if there is a sudden growth or fall in the amount of data being written to the library for the selected frequency period.

Space Utilization

This section provides the trend on the amount of space being consumed and freed within the library over a period of time, using the Activity Qualifier Window, which is based on the settings in the Cell Configuration (Data Protection Window). This data can be viewed using daily, weekly, or monthly frequency based on the selected frequency period.

This section will help you to predict the total space requirements for the library.