Data Protection Consecutive Job Failure Report

This report illustrates the consistency of backups. When it is generated, the number of consecutive job failures that has occurred at a specific duration, day, week(s), month(s) or year(s) is displayed in tabular form. The report can be client- or storage policy-based, i.e., the report information will be displayed based on the specific CommCell(s), client(s) or storage policies selected as variable(s) in the report filter.

You should use this report to verify the reliability of your backups. If backups on a specific client, CommCell or storage policy are failing for n number of consecutive days, you may want an alert to be escalated with a high priority. If more than n backups fail, a higher priority alert could be sent, and so on. This can warn you of a possible problem in your data protection environment, enabling you to proactively implement a solution, if necessary. Note that when running a storage policy-based report, consecutive job failures are not counted for storage policies that have changed subclient association. For example: Let's say that the default subclient is associated with Storage Policy 1, and you run a storage policy-based consecutive job failure report specifying Storage Policy 1. You find that there were three failure occurrences. With this, you decide to change the subclient to be associated with Storage Policy 2. Now, when you run the same report again specifying Storage Policy 1, the occurrences that you saw in the previous report would NOT be found. The occurrences would be found if you ran a report specifying Storage Policy 2.

The report task summary displays the type of report as well as the variables you selected for the report filters, which include: Range, Number of Failures per Occurrence, Entity Selection Type and Selected Entities. Range refers to the length of time to be analyzed for the consecutive job failure occurrences. Remember to check the time definitions you set in the Data Protection Window for this field. Number of Failures per Occurrence is the number of consecutive job failures per occurrence. Each occurrence will have had the number of failures you set in this field. If you generate a report of the last five days with the value of three set in this field, each occurrence found, if any, would have each had three consecutive job failures. Hence, if the report had two occurrences, this signifies that there were six consecutive job failures. Entity Selection Type can either be Client or Storage Policy, depending on what you are trying to learn about your environment. The Selected Entities filter simply contains the CommCells or storage policies you selected for analysis in your report.

The CommCell Summary shows the current time this report was generated as well as the query time range and the Job Failure Occurrence Detail Table.

Job Failure Occurrence Detail Table

The table displays the following information:

Entity Name

Name of the Storage Policy or CommCell and client that had a Job Failure Occurrence.

Latest Successful Data Protection Type

Indicates whether the backup was incremental or full.

Latest Successful Data Protection

Indicates the date and time of the last successful backup.

Number of Occurrences

Indicates the number of times the user-defined set of n failures occurred in user defined time range.

Occurrence #

The particular occurrence of the user-defined set of n failures in the user defined time range.

If there are no occurrences found in the query, the following message will appear: "No Entries found."

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